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Yunho was so into the movie while Mingi was scrolling through his phone.

It was silent besides the movie, except for when Mingi would laugh from time to time from something he saw on instagram.

"I have a question for you."

Yunho quirked an eyebrow before pausing the Tv.

"What's up?"

It was silent for a few seconds before Mingi decided to ask him something.

"Do you want to try something new?"

Yunho's head went wild with all types of thoughts that you don't typically think about on the daily basis.

"You want to have sex?"

Mingi blinked a few times before turning off the Tv.

"Hello?" Yunho said with a snappy tone.

Mingi let out a sigh before putting the remote down on the dresser.

"It's not exactly sex......but it involves sexual activity....."

Yunho got nervous for some reason. He was always the dominant person in the situation, but he knew that it was different when it came to Mingi.

He knew that Mingi was dominant.

He also knew that his body was always submissive around the other.

When it came to Mingi, there was no such thing as a power bottom.

Yunho was all the way submissive.

"W-What exactly do you have in mind?"

Mingi patted his own lap, causing Yunho to straddle him with no hesitation. He was already blushing harshly since the only clothes he had on was boxers and a oversized hoodie Mingi owned.

"Close your eyes."

Yunho closed his eyes, thinking that he was ready for anything that was coming his way. He was confident until he felt something go around his head, blocking out his vision.

"What exactly are you doing?" Yunho laughed nervously when Mingi ties his hands together behind his back.

"Just testing out a theory."

That alone was enough for Yunho to want to call it quits. His heart rate was high out of the roof and he was already sweating profusely.

"What the hell does this theory have to do with me being tied up and blindfolded?!" He squeaked.

He didn't get anything in response except for a cold hand resting on his bare thigh, making him jump slightly.

"Have you ever touched yourself?"

Yunho put thought into the question, but all that ever came up was a no.

"Nope." He said a bit too happily.

It hit him though. Maybe he was being a bit slow witted at the moment. He started to realize where this whole thing was going.

"I'm oddly okay with this." Yunho muttered.

It wasn't like he wanted Mingi to touch him.

He actually needed it.

It was a burning desire that had been building up for quite some time. The desire was put on pause when Britney marked him, but now that the whole situation with her was over, that burning desire was back and stronger.

His whole body ached because of Mingi.

Mingi was like a drug that he needed.

"I kind of figured that you were okay with this." Mingi chuckled, causing chills to run down Yunho's spine.

His thoughts started to go crazy as he felt his back hit the mattress.

Yunho was curious as to what Mingi's next move was going to be until he felt a pair of hands grip at the sides of his underwear.

He couldn't find the energy to say anything when he felt the other take off his underwear.

A small sound left his mouth when he felt Mingi part his legs.

He felt exposed, but he felt that it was alright since it was Mingi who was seeing his bare body.

"What are you doing?" Yunho asked when he heard the sound of a cap pop.

He didn't receive any answers, making him get nervous.

Yunho wished that he refused the blindfold at first, but where was the fun in that?

"Just relax."

Those words had him on edge.

"Wh- Mingi!" Yunho squeaked.

He was mildly surprised when he felt a finger press into his hole. There was a slimy feel to it, making him squirm a bit.

"Why did you use lube?" Yunho asked, biting his lip at the new sensation.

"You've been on your medicine, so you're not going to produce slick."

Yunho wanted to disagree, but with the sudden feeling of a second digit made him speechless. His mouth hung agape as a sound of satisfaction left his mouth.

"Deeper." He whined as his back arched.

He didn't know what this feeling was. All he knew was that Mingi pressed onto something sensitive and sparked a fire.

There was a feeling of intensity building up, letting him know how exactly his body was going to react.

"Just promise me one thing." Mingi muttered.

Yunho nodded vigorously as a moan left his mouth.

"I'm the only one who can see you like this." Mingi said seriously.

He loved the fact that he was able to make Yunho so vulnerable. The thought of knowing that this was something he could only see gave him some sense of power.

"I promise." Yunho struggled to say without moaning. He bit his lip, trying to prevent any other noises from coming out of his mouth, but failed miserably.

Mingi found it quite satisfying seeing him like this.

A whine left Yunho's mouth when he felt the sudden urge to release.

All it took was one stroke and he released into Mingi's hand.


What time is it from where you're at?

Sincerely, OhDaddyKun🤠❤️

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