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"I see that you're feeling better." Moon said with a small smile.

Yunho nodded as he ate some cereal.

Even though it was basically lunch time, he felt that eating cereal was still appropriate no matter what time it was.

"Mingi said that you were catching a cold, but I assume that you're okay now."

Yunho almost chocked on his cereal at the mention of Mingi. He was happy that the lad decided to go hangout with San.

"Did you two reconcile being that the two of you stayed home from school?" Moon asked while wiggling her eyebrows.


Moon looked at him with suspicion written all over her face.

"Okay, whatever you say." She giggled a bit.

Yunho rolled his eyes before looking at her with a bright smile.

"How was your day?"

Moon let out the most dramatic but fake cry. She pouted her lips before taking a seat on the kitchen island counter.

"Today was horrible without the two people I love the most. Without your bright smile and Mingi's annoying ass, today was pretty pointless. My boy bestfriend was able to make me laugh just a tiny bit, but it wasn't the same when you make me laugh."

Yunho made a small frown which made Moon giggle a bit.

"Who is your boy bestfriend anyway?" He asked out of curiosity.


"I thought he was in Chicago?"

"He is, but he's a good boyfriend and FaceTimed Ten. I just so happened to be there and he fashion evaluated the shit out of me, then he told me I couldn't dress. It made me laugh though."

Yunho started laughing so hard, milk came through his nose.

Moon pouted in return.

"What's so funny about him insulting my fashion?" She tried to say without smiling.

"It's not that it's funny.....but I just got a whole vision of Johnny complimenting pieces of your outfit and then saying that the whole outfit is a shit show."

Moon had to admit that the pure thought of it was funny.

"Are you coming to school tomorrow though, since it's Friday?"

Yunho nodded, thinking about all of the missing work he had to get done.

"Oh, and we have a substitute in Math tomorrow, so you should definitely come to school." Moon said while clapping her hands.

"Why do we have a substitute?" Yunho chuckled.

Moon started smacking the kitchen counter before stating something.

"Here's the motherfucking tea sis!"

Yunho raised his eyebrow, totally into the conversation now.

"So, you know how we had Ms. Jung as our teacher?"

Yunho nodded a bit, confused as to where this was going.

"A sex tape was leaked and she was participating in sexual activities with a student!"

That was enough to make Yunho nervous about who could the student be.

"Please don't be Taeil." He started chanting to himself.

Moon started laughing so hard when she heard what Yunho was saying.

"No you idiot! Taeil isn't into older women, he's into older men. He likes younger women too though. The only younger guy he would date is you."

Yunho laughed nervously, knowing that he forgot about Taeil's type.

"Anyway, it was Haelo." Moon said with a straight face.

"Wow." Was all Yunho could say.

He was oddly alright with it, knowing that Moon somewhat deserved better. Especially since she was being accused of being with other people, when it was actually the other way around.

"So you're definitely on the single market?"

Moon nodded a bit, letting it actually sink.

"Yup single and mateless."

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