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"I want to throw up." Ten muttered as he rolled out of the trunk.

Yunho winced when he saw Ten run about ten feet away and throw up.

"Is he going to be okay?" Xiaojun muttered.

Hendery and Yangyang looked like they were trying their best not to laugh at how sick Ten was.

"I'm pretty sure he'll be fine." Yunho muttered as he grabbed the duffel bags from out of the trunk, passing them to the boys.

"I'll see you tomorrow" Kun said before kissing Yunho on the cheek.

Yunho blushed a bit when Kun backed away.

Ten quirked an eyebrow as he watched Kun and the cute hybrids walk up the driveway to a mansion.

"He seems quite friendly with you." He muttered, referring to the kiss on the cheek.

"Whatever. I need you to drop me off down the street though." Yunho said before getting back into the car.

Ten looked at him before pointing at the semi dark sky.

"It's literally getting dark right now! What do you mean by drop you off at the end of the street?!" He exclaimed as he got into the car, struggling to put his seatbelt on.

"Mingi lives down there." Yunho chuckled.

That was enough for Ten to start the car.

"Oh yeah! I found someone who could help you with this death curse."

Yunho quirked an eyebrow as curiosity started to slowly eat him.


"You'll meet him tomorrow."

Yunho wanted to protest, but they already arrived in front of Mingi's house.

"I'll see you tomorrow" Ten said with a devious smirk.

Yunho chuckled before quickly planting a kiss on Ten's cheek. He started to laugh harshly when he saw Ten's flustered face.

"Thanks for the ride." Yunho giggled before getting out of the car.

He rushed over to the front door before ringing the doorbell to the huge house.

"Where the hell did you go?! Do you know how worried I was! I had to ride with Mingi! You're lucky a guy named Johnny told me you was with his boyfriend, or I was going to call the police!" Moon screamed when she opened the front door to see Yunho.

"I'm sorry?" Yunho smiled sheepishly as he let himself into the house.

He started to walk up the stairs, ignoring whatever Moon had to say.

"Are you listening to me!" Moon yelled as she threw some keys at Yunho.

"Not at all." Yunho muttered as he caught the keys. He didn't feel like arguing with anyone.

He was stubbornly ignoring Moon as he repeatedly knocked on Mingi's bedroom door, that was locked for some reason.

"He's not going to answer...."

"I wonder why...." Yunho said before kicking the door open.

He walked in to see Mingi laying on the bed with Hwanwoong sleeping on his chest.

"What the hell Yunho?" Mingi hissed while checking to see if Hwanwoong woke up.

"I came to get my bag." Yunho hissed back while going into the closet to grab his bag.

He didn't even attempt to speak to Mingi, rushing out of the room with his bag on his back.

"Yunho." Moon called out sternly.

Yunho didn't answer back though.

He knew that he was very pissed at that moment, which would result into him saying something reckless to Moon, when she didn't do anything to him.

"I'll see you tomorrow." He growled before leaving the house, slamming the door shut behind him.

"Mingi! Look what you did!" Moon screamed in frustration as she walked into Mingi's room.

"I didn't do anything! Now stop screaming!" Mingi hissed as he covered Hwanwoong's ears.

He would've said that Yunho was at fault, but then he saw Moon's eyes.

They were a crimson color, resembling exactly what she was feeling.


Moon bit her lip when she saw Yunho walk into the school. He had large dark circles under his eyes while Britney walked beside him, clinging onto his arm.

"Something isn't right." Moon muttered to herself.

Yunho walked past her without sparing her a glance, which was enough to make her mad.

She stopped herself from getting rowdy when something smelled awkward. It for sure wasn't Yunho's regular scent.

"Did that bitch-"

Anyone standing by would be in complete shock from what they were about to witness.

Moon went up to Britney and grabbed her hair, dragging her to the floor.

Yunho was too out of it to even respond. His senses were all frazzled while his thought pattern was basically not working.

He just stood by, watching Moon and Britney roll around and fight. Everyone else was gathered around, watching them, instigating and cheering on either side.

Just to Britney's luck, Kun just so happened to come to school at that very moment.

"Hey!" He yelled as he pushed through the crowd, making his way over to pull Moon off of a almost unconscious Britney.

Taeyong soon came over, seeing the whole scene go down.

"What happened?" He panicked as he saw Yunho just standing there, not doing anything.

Taeyong was about to Bitch about the fact that Yunho didn't do anything, but he froze when he saw blood start to drop from Yunho's nose.

"Seonghwa! Forget about the fight, come here!" He said as he tried to get Yunho to snap into reality, but nothing was happening.

"He's about to pass out!" A girl screamed.

"Oh my goodness! I failed health class!" Taeyong whined as he caught Yunho.

He was close to screaming out his frustrations about how nobody was helping him, but someone quickly came to the rescue.

"It's okay, I'm here."

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