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Yunho tapped his pencil on the desk as boredom took over him. He was tired of Britney clinging onto him.

"Class just started and I'm already done." He muttered softly.

"I relate so much right now" Taeil whispered from behind him. Seonghwa laughed as he began to take a liking in his partner, in a friendly way.

"Let's do some partner work!" The teacher said enthusiastically.

Yunho badly wanted to cry when he saw Britney smile at him from the corner of his eye.

"We're gonna be partn-"

Britney stopped talking when the door suddenly swung wide open.

"I am so sorry to interrupt....it's my first day and I got lost." Moon whispered as she rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly.

The teacher smiled and nodded, already charmed by Moon's pretty smile.

"You can sit next to Yunho." She said, mesmerized by the pretty girl.

Britney blinked a couple of times, looking at how there was only one seat next to Yunho, and it was the one she was sitting in.

"Excuse me." Moon whispered into Britney's ear.

Britney jumped in surprise as she looked up to see Moon standing above her. A few people started muttering about how the new girl dared to speak to Britney in such way.

She felt like she had a image to maintain, especially since she felt like she owned Yunho and the entire school.

Seonghwa would argue with her over that any day though.

"I'm sorry, but I just won't." She said boldly.

"How bold of you to defy me." Moon hissed with a fake but convincing smile. Her eyes glowed red with dominance as she bared her canines.

Britney felt like she was somewhat meeting her match. The feeling she was getting from Moon was uncomfortable and unbearable. A feeling that she gave to Yunho all the time.

Without any words, she got up and walked away.

Moon giggled when she saw Yunho smirk.

Britney was basically tasting her own medicine.

"That shit was hot!" Yuta screamed from the back of the classroom.

He earned a slap to the head from Sicheng as everyone else started laughing.

"Okay! Your partners will be your seat mates!"


Yunho clicked his tongue as he walked through the halls. He had excused himself to go to the restroom.

"I'm hungry. I should've told Moon to stop at a cafe." He muttered softly.

His thoughts were interrupted when someone stepped in his way.

"Hey pretty boy."

Yunho rolled his eyes before looking into the eyes of the culprit.

"Hello Lucas?" He muttered as he felt a shiver run down his spine.

It was a feeling he always got whenever he was around a alpha that made him uncomfortable.

"That new girl.....why is her scent stronger and more dominating than yours." Lucas asked as he circled around Yunho, sniffing his scent.

"I don't know." Yunho whispered, feeling terrified.

Lucas was going to say something, until he was shoved to the ground.

"Back off."

Yunho gulped when he saw Mingi glaring at Lucas with crimson eyes.

"Hey! Calm down!" He panicked while trying to pull Mingi away from Lucas, who was already on the ground.

"He tried to touch what's mine." Mingi growled.

Yunho backed away, surprised from Mingi's sudden words.

"Are you okay?" Mingi asked with his honey brown eyes back.

Yunho shook his head, a bit speechless from how quick Mingi's mood switched.

"Did he hurt you? Where does it hurt? Is it painful? Are y-"

"Mingi, I'm fine." Yunho giggled as Mingi kept patting him down and checking for any injuries.

"Why aren't you in class?!" Mingi breathed out, happy that Yunho was alright.

"I have to use the bathroom."

Mingi made a straight face before looking at Lucas who was chilling on the ground.

"Hurry up." He said before shooing Yunho off. Once he was out of sight, Mingi crouched down and grabbed Lucas's face.

"You might not be in a healthy relationship with your significant other, but don't go around being reckless and touch what's mine." He growled.

Lucas made a poker face, drowning in the crimson eyes of someone who was basically threatening him.

"Aren't we cousins? Cousins share. Yunho is a Beta anyway.....why is he so important to a true blood like you?" He chuckled.

"You be quiet. I'm gonna maintain my nice image and not attempt to kill you." Mingi scoffed before letting go of Lucas's face.

"Ooooooo. Your impulses are coming out. Could pretty boy be the lucky one?"

"Nonsense, If he was my mate, he would've been told me. Yunho is older than me, so he would know before me."

"But wouldn't he have told you already? Maybe he is your mate....or maybe he doesn't want to be your mate." Lucas chuckled.

Mingi didn't realize it, but Lucas was only trying to get into his head and make him stray further from Yunho.

It was just bad that Mingi wasn't paying attention to Lucas's true intentions.

"Maybe you're right..." Mingi muttered.

Lucas chuckled when he saw Yunho walking towards them.

"I'll see you at lunch, I have to get back to class." Yunho said before walking past the two males.

While he was walking away, chills ran down his back.

He felt like something bad was going to take place soon.

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