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Mingi bit the inside of his cheek after Yunho came out of the bathroom with clothes on.

"I like how you came here with a outfit for me." Yunho said as he ruffled his fluffy hair. He had a pair of skinny jeans and a oversized sweater on.

"You honestly need your check up from the doctor before leaving." Mingi muttered.

Yunho wasn't having it though. He believed he had no time for a check up.

"I have better things to do." He sighed.

"What is so better than your health?!" Mingi said with his eyes blown open.

"My health won't matter if I'm dead." Yunho hissed before leaving the room.

"He's going to be the death of me." Mingi sighed before standing up.

He walked over to the door, making his way to follow Yunho.

Just as he tried to open the door, the knob wouldn't budge.

Mingi looked out of the little window on the door to see a chair placed under the knob.

"You have to be kidding me!" He groaned.


"Thank You Mr. Driver" Yunho said after tipping the cab driver.

He had decided to go back to Britney's house after a few hours of walking around aimlessly.

Yunho didn't really know exactly what he wanted to do at this point.

He felt like he had dragged so many people into this situation, and it was only making things worst.

"Time to face my demon" He joked before ringing the doorbell.

Instead of Britney answering the door, Chan opened the door.

"I was absent for one day and so much shit happened." He muttered while rubbing his eyes.

"Why were you absent?" Yunho chuckled as he walked into the house.

"I was.....sleeping."

Yunho raised an eyebrow in suspicion before sniffing the air. There was a strong scent lingering in the air.

"Someone was here....perhaps another alpha?"

Chan shook his head as a weak smile left his mouth.

"Uh, no."

"I'm not stupid, I know what Wooyoung's cousin smells like." Yunho laughed.

He also noticed a few blemishes on Chan's neck.

"I'm not going to poke around your business though.....Is Britney here?" Yunho muttered.

Chan nodded as a frown appeared on his face.

"I can't believe she did that to you." He gasped, not really believing his sister could drug Yunho and mark him.

"I can believe it." Yunho scoffed before shooting a soft smile to Chan.

Chan wanted to ask so many questions.

Where does your relationship stand with my sister?

Is this actually a healthy relationship?

Why do you look so dead inside?

Are you even happy anymore?

He couldn't bring himself to ask those questions though.

Chan was afraid of the answer he would get in return.

Scared that his sister's image in his head would be ruined.

"I'll go talk to her."

Yunho said before making his way up the stairs. He was eager to to have a word with Britney.

His first thought was to flip out and tell Britney about herself.

But then he thought about the power she held at school.

"Britney~" He singed as he knocked on her bedroom door.

She opened it, revealing her bruised face and something covering her right eye.

"Oh my!" He whispered to himself.

"Are you here to declare that you are mad at me?" Britney muttered.

"I would yell at you and then get someone to kill you, but then....that can wait!"

Britney gasped as she saw Yunho's sadistic smile.

"What do you n-need?" She muttered.

"I want you to throw a party for me."

Britney bit the insides of her cheeks as confusion settled on her.

"A party? Why do you need a party?" She asked suspiciously.

"I think we haven't had a party here in a while." Yunho shrugged.

"The only parties you actually participate in is the ones that Minho kid throws." She muttered.

"Well, I had a change of heart today." Yunho said with a convincing smile.

Britney frowned, but kept her composure.

"We'll have it this weekend."

Yunho clapped his hands before heading to his room.

"What are you trying to do?" Britney whispered to herself before closing her bedroom door.

She slid down against it, sinking to the floor.

"I hope it's nothing crazy that he's planning."

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