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Yunho stood at the top of the stairs, becoming one with the awkward silence.

Mingi stood a few feet away with a straight face, not bothering to say anything.

"Hello?" Yunho laughed awkwardly.

He didn't get anything in return, except a shove from the other male.

Yunho couldn't help but frown as he watched his once bestfriend walk down the stairs.

"You guys are so awkward with each other." Someone muttered.

It was no one other than Mingi's uncle.

"Hello Uncle Jun......"

Jun cracked a smile before walking up to Yunho. There was just something about his smile that made the moment seem suffocating, but in a good way.

"Are you by any chance into older men?"

Before Yunho could even respond, a hand covered his mouth quickly.

"He is strictly for Mingi!" Hoshi barked.

Yunho rolled his eyes before removing Hoshi's hand from over his mouth.

"Dating older people.....I've never tried it before." He muttered as if he was putting thought into the question.

"I think not! Not in this lifetime!" Hoshi yelled.

Yunho rolled his eyes before looking at Jun.

Their height difference wasn't too far from each other, but Yunho easily towered him.

"I don't ship it." Moon said as she walked out of her bedroom.

Hoshi clapped his hands, happy that someone was agreeing with him.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm in love with Mingi....." Yunho said, his thoughts drifting off dangerously.

"Exactly! Mingi is the one for you." Hoshi said as he stepped between Jun and Yunho.

"No need to get so excited.....I was partially just joking." Jun muttered.

Moon rolled her eyes, knowing that there was no way this was a joke.

"We all know that Yunho is fine as hell, but damn! Why does everyone want him?! Everyone is making him feel like Mingi is the last option!" She groaned out loud.

"Oh trust me, Mingi is the only option." Yunho muttered, making sure to sound as confident as he can sound.

Moon nodded in agreement, causing Jun to suck his teeth in disappointment.

"Where the hell is your husband anyway?" Hoshi laughed sarcastically.

"Correction, EX Husband.......he's still in China with our son, but they're are moving here in like a week."

Yunho smiled brightly, happy to see Jun's son.

"I think it's kind of weird that Jun has a son and a son that he barely talks to." Hoshi muttered.

Moon and Yunho nodded in agreement.

"Why are we even talking about my family?" Jun asked, feeling as if they were ganging up on him.

Yunho shrugged, realizing how interested he was about this topic.

"Why aren't you close with your son?"

Jun rolled his eyes before leaving the scene.

"I need a drink" he muttered as he walked down the stairs.

Moon let out a little giggle, feeling as if she achieved something.

"Did you know that Yunho almost slept with Lucas?" She struggled to say with out laughing.

Hoshi looked at Yunho with disbelief written all over his face.


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