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Yunho's breathing was at a calm pace, matching his true feelings at the moment.

For some reason, no matter how loud the music was, how strong the smell of liquor was, how cloudy the air was from teens smoking, Yunho felt at peace.

Maybe it was the fact that the night was almost over.

With people getting blackout drunk and Britney probably somewhere trying to find her first love, the night felt like it would go well.

No distractions.

No interruptions.

Just one problem.

"What exactly are you doing?" Taeyong asked while getting to the top of the stairs, where Yunho was peering over the indoor balcony.

"Thinking." Yunho sighed while watching people grind and dance on each other.

The sight of so many couples started to depress him.

"Ten told me that this is a distraction for something else...." Taeyong drifted off.

Yunho simply nodded before walking down the hall.

Taeyong blinked a few times before following the other.

"I have to extract something from a pretty big structure."

Yunho's words left Taeyong feeling confused until they appeared in front of a abnormally tall sculpture.

His eyes followed to where Yunho was looking, spotting a ocean blue jewel.

"What happens when you get it?" Taeyong whispered as he stared at the alluring gem.

"I'm cursed already, but it doubles when I give that to Lucifer. Unfortunately, I die." Yunho shrugged.

Taeyong gasped in disbelief.

"Why are you so nonchalant about this?!"

Yunho let out a weak dull laugh, showing how he felt dead already.

"Jaehyun will revive me."

Taeyong sighed a bit, finally learning why his potential lover was there.

"I'll get a taste of Hell for a second." Yunho whispered.

"Hm? What do you mean?" Taeyong muttered.

Yunho bit his lip before letting out a secret.

"I have a deal with Lucifer. After he marked me as his property, I committed a few......crimes. My biological father is dead because of my own bare hands, and so is Mingi's first mate." He admitted while lowering the band of his pants, showing a burn mark, shaped into a cursive L.

Taeyong shook his head in denial.

"I'm going to act like you didn't tell me this and walk away. You and I can talk tomorrow as new friends." He said before rushing back to the party.

Yunho couldn't help but to laugh a bit.

He was about to get ready to start his climb until somebody interrupted him, making jump a bit.

"What are you doing?"

Yunho turned around to see Jongho with amusement written all over his face.

"Don't fucking scare me like that!" He whispered before facing towards the statue he was about to climb.

Jongho hummed to himself a bit as he watched Yunho jump and latch onto the statue.

Nervousness started to build up in him as he watched Yunho climb the statue in a abnormally fast way, his feet slipping a few times.

"I'm going to stay here just in case you fall!" Jongho chuckled nervously.

He didn't get a response at all, causing him to realize that Yunho wasn't listening to him.

Jongho was going to say it again until he saw Yunho reach the top and yank the blue jewel from the top of the crown.

"Yunho!" He whispered as he saw Yunho practically jump from the top, landing perfect on his two feet.

"Are you a wolf or a cat?" Jongho muttered, causing Yunho to let out a small laugh.

Both of them giggled until a strong aura hit the house.

Anyone that was sober would've noticed it, but the music was too loud to even care.

"Did you feel that!?" Yunho whispered.

Jongho didn't even respond.

His eyes faded into a pitch black color, causing Yunho to shiver.

Before either of them could say anything, a man in a cloak came from behind the statue.

Yunho automatically recognized who it was, but it was weird how Jongho also recognized the man.



Yunho gasped when he heard Jongho's response. His skin grew cold when the man removed his cloak.

The Dimpled Devil.

Zhang Yixing.


Who did you think the dimpled devil was?

Sincerely, OhDaddyKun🤠❤️

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