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"How has school been?" Wonwoo asked while looking at Yunho, Moon, and Mingi.

Moon smiled with her mouth stuffed with food.

Mingi didn't bother saying anything, so that left Yunho feeling as if he had to say something.

"School has been pretty great...." He muttered.

It was silent until someone decided to say something.

"What happened? It's been so awkward between you and Mingi!" Seungkwan asked with a pout.

Yunho bit his own lip out of being nervous while Mingi rolled his eyes.

"It's only awkward because he wants to be a whore."

Moon gasped in defensive while Yunho sat there, just taking the insult.

"Don't fucking whore shame him!" Moon shouted.

Everyone at the table just watched the whole scene unfold as if they were watching a movie.

"I just did it! What are you going to do about it?!" Mingi shouted back.

Before Moon could reach and grab Mingi's hair, a hand slammed onto the table, causing everyone to jump in surprise.

"Ah, yes! I am a whore! Who loves to get into situations that basically puts my life in danger! A whore is what you can call me! I make a few slip ups and now I'm a whore! I sleep with one person on multiple occasions, and now I'm a whore? I was in a relationship with one person!" Yunho screamed in frustration as he stood up from his chair.

Moon looked a bit taken back while Mingi looked guilty.

"So yes, I may confess. Britney and I fucked on multiple occasions. I sat on Lucas's lap once. I almost had sex with Jungwoo. What else am I supposed to say? What more do you want me to do? I can't fucking take it back if that's what you're hoping for."

Yunho left the dining room, leaving everyone looking shocked.

"I bet ten dollars that Yunho and Mingi are going to end up together." Seungkwan whispered into his husbands ear.

"Deal." Vernon whispered back.

"Why only ten dollars?" Jun asked before clicking his tongue in disapproval.

"Fine, I bet eleven dollars." Vernon declared.

"This is ridiculous." Moon sighed before she started to eat her food again.


Ten hissed in frustration as he tried to clip his toenails. He thought it was a good thing to do since it was raining outside.

"Why do I keep missing?" He muttered as the sound of thunder could be heard from outside his window

Before he could attempt to clip his toenail successfully, he heard knocking on his bedroom window.

"What the hell? It's like midnight." Ten muttered before standing up from his bed.

He walked over to his window before fully opening it up.

"Hey." Yunho smiled sheepishly before climbing into the bedroom.

Ten scrunched his nose as he saw how drenched the other was.

"It's really late and it's raining."

Yunho rolled his eyes as he took off his shirt. He didn't have on a hoodie, which raised the chances of him getting sick.

"Why didn't you come through the front door anyway? Minho or Taeyong would have let you in." Ten scolded.

"It's not as fun as the window." Yunho giggled.

Ten rolled his eyes before going over to his closet.

"You should be able to fit Johnny's clothes." He muttered as he tossed Yunho a hoodie and sweatpants.

Yunho smiled before taking off his soaked jeans and putting on the clothes Ten gave him.

"Where is Johnny anyway?"

Ten clicked his tongue before answering with a annoyed tone.

"He decided to visit his hometown with Jaehyun and this guy they befriended named Mark."

Yunho nodded before sitting in a sofa chair that was in the corner of his room.

"So, what brings you here?"

Those words almost made Yunho want to cry in frustration.

"I'm so tired of the way things have been lately. Like, I know it has been my fault b-"

"Stop right there. This isn't all your fault, everyone plays a part in this." Ten said with a serious face.

Yunho sighed, he wanted to believe that it wasn't all his fault, but he couldn't help but feel as if it was all his fault.

Suddenly, there was knocking on the door.

"Come in!" Ten shouted.

Winwin entered with a small smile on his face.

"Hey." Yunho said shyly. There was just something about the guy that made him shy.

"Hey guys. What's going on here?" Winwin asked as he shut the door behind him.

"We're talking about how sad Yunho's love life is." Ten muttered as he attempted to clip his toenails.

Yunho rolled his eyes while Winwin giggled a bit.

"What exactly is so sad about your love life?" He asked.

Yunho bit his lip before letting out his feelings.

"I'm practically in love with Mingi, but the way things have been.....Mingi I being together is basically impossible."

Winwin clicked his tongue in disapproval before pointing out the obvious.

"You need to confess your feelings."

"I basically confessed my sins earlier at the dining table."

Winwin laughed before shaking his head.

"You're saying the wrong thing. Mingi does not want a apology. He wants you to say that you only want him. You being with other people is not the problem. Mingi wants you to speak with your words and actions and say that you ONLY want him."

Ten and Yunho looked at each other before looking at Winwin again.

"Where did you draw this conclusion up from?" Yunho muttered.

"Mingi and I have Math class together......he talks about you A LOT." Winwin giggled.

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