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Moon sat in the sofa that was placed in the corner of the bedroom.

She had a smile on her face as she watched Yunho sleep.

"Stop being creepy." Mingi muttered as he sat at the edge of the bed.

"I'm not being creepy! I'm just watching my baby sleep." She whispered.

Mingi rolled his eyes before going to his closet to get out some clothes.

"The scratch marks on your back is pretty deep." Moon said while wiggling her eyebrows.

Mingi smirked in return, happy about the cause of them.

"I saw that post your little friend made." He muttered.

"Ten would be highly offended if he heard what you called him." Moon scoffed.

Mingi chuckled before going over to the bed to wake up Yunho.

"Wake up hoe!" He yelled, causing Moon to snort.

"I hate you." Yunho groaned before shoving Mingi away from the bed.

"That's no way to wake up your bae." Moon muttered as she glared at Mingi. All he could do was stick his tongue out in return.

"I seriously don't want to go to school." Yunho muttered as he sat up.

"I definitely do!" Moon said with a huge grin.

Yunho and Mingi looked at her with curiosity written all over their faces.

"Spill the tea." Ten muttered as he walked into the bedroom.

Yunho smiled brightly when he saw him, welcoming him with open arms, but Mingi wanted to know why was he there.

His eye twitched in frustration when he saw Ten climb into the bed and cuddle with Yunho.

"So, Haechan said that he loves me dearly. He also said that he was not happy with the way Haelo ditched me for a teacher." Moon said while wiggling her eyebrows.

Both Ten and Yunho looked at each other with a smirk, as if what she was about to say was a good thing.

"So what happened?" Mingi said as he glared at Ten and Yunho.

"Haelo apparently has a twin sister that was in a juvenile detention center, and she is coming to our school!" Moon squealed.

Yunho clapped his hands vigorously, hoping that this was a good thing.

"I bet Haelo was actually mean to Chan." He whispered to himself, referring to the time Chan said Haelo rejected him in a cruel way.

"Okay, story time is over. If this isn't your room, the exit is right over there." Mingi said with a fake smile while pointing at his bedroom door.

Moon and Ten both stood up, but Ten was quick to drag Yunho out of bed with him.

Just as the three of them got to the door, Mingi was quick to grab the hood of the sweater Yunho was wearing.

"You stay here." He said as he dragged Yunho away from a pouting Ten.

"You are such a meanie!" Ten scoffed.

Mingi smiled at him before closing the door in his face.

"Don't be so mean!" Yunho laughed.

"I could care less.....but tell me if I'm wrong."

Yunho quirked an eyebrow, wanting to know what Mingi was saying.

"Wrong about what?" He muttered.

"Doesn't Ten smell....a bit off?" Mingi asked while sniffing the air.

Yunho shrugged, not knowing what to say.

"He probably slept with Moon last night. You know how strong her scent is. Plus, she likes to cuddle."

Mingi decided to nod anyway, feeling as if he was overthinking things.


"I'm so tired." Moon groaned as Yunho and her sat in their usual spot in Math.

"Why?" Yunho chuckled.

"I love Ten and Johnny, but this is out of hand. Johnny needs to realize that I'm a Alpha, not a Omega."

Yunho looked confused, wondering what Moon was saying.

"So, you know how Johnny went back home?"

Yunho nodded a bit.

"Ten......he normally doesn't cling onto anyone, but it's been a bit different lately." Moon whispered.

"So, Ten has been clingy? What's wrong with that?" Yunho asked curiously.

"You do know that I am a Alpha. I am also affected by the smell of Betas and Omegas." Moon stated, her face having a serious expression.

"Yes, I am aware of that. Is Ten's scent affecting you in some way?" Yunho chuckled.

Moon nodded, but then shook her head.

"He is pregnant."

Yunho gasped, but then he started to realize a few different things. Ten's scent started to smell a bit sweeter than usual. He remembered how Ten seemed mad when Johnny left, and it basically explained everything.

"Ten is using you as a temporary replacement for Johnny?"

Moon nodded with a small smile. She didn't have a problem with it, it was just that she didn't know how long was it before she couldn't take it anymore. Her and Mingi were alike in so many ways, the only difference was their genders. Their Alpha tendencies and needs were both the same. They were basically carbon copies of each other.

It's just that Moon had more sass and ass.

Just like Mingi, Moon had limits as to what she could and could not withstand.

"I think it's cute that Ten looks at you like a second option." Yunho said with a huge grin on his face.

Moon started laughing harshly before shaking her head.

"Taeyong was the second option after Johnny, but Johnny freaked out and said hell no. So, Ten went to Johnny's girl bestfriend, who is a Alpha." She said while pointing at herself.

Yunho nodded, understanding what Johnny felt.

"I would freak out too."

Moon looked at him curiously.

"Why would you freak out?" She giggled.

"Ten and Taeyong used to date. But their just bestfriends now." Yunho said with a sly smile.

"Ohhhhh.....I forgot about that." Moon laughed nervously.

Yunho groaned out loud when other people started to enter the classroom. He got a few stares, which started to bother him.

He was pretty sure people knew that he was an Omega now. It was well known that Omegas were looked at as a object, and that's exactly what he did not want to be seen as.

"I seriously don't need this type of attention." Yunho whined. He thought that the people who looked down on his breed were considered pathetic.

"I will bitch slap anyone that looks at you the wrong way." Moon muttered in return.

"You're giving off big mommy energy." Ten laughed as he sat in front of the two.

"That's your fault." Moon groaned, causing Ten to let out a small giggle.

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