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Moon came falling down the stairs when she heard Yunho's response.

"What the hell?! What do you mean no? WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT FOR A LONG ASS TIME!" Moon screamed.

Yunho simply shook his head as he looked at Mingi.

"I personally think I deserve better.....he keeps going back to Jungwoo anyway."

Mingi looked at Yunho with his eyes and mouth agape.

"That's a lie. I only slept with Jungwoo once."

Yunho shook his head in denial as he checked the time on his phone.

"I don't have time for this anyway, I'm already late."

Mingi looked confused as he watched Yunho leave the house.

"I honestly don't know where all that sass came from." Moon muttered as she stood up from the floor.

Mingi gritted his teeth as he heard the engine of Yunho's motorcycle start up.

As he heard the sound slowly die out, he came to the conclusion that Yunho left for the party.

"You're going to take me to that party!" Mingi growled before rushing upstairs to put on some actual clothes instead of leaving out with sweatpants.

Moon sighed before yelling in response.

"Don't come back down here looking ugly!"


What's your favorite song?


Sincerely, OhDaddyKun

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