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It is mentioned in Chapter 14 of Just Friends that Jongho is adopted by Lay And Suho.


Yunho felt like he could potentially die just from just hearing that.

"Dad?! You've got to be fucking kidding me! I would've suspected someone else! Like someone from Mingi's family!" He whined dramatically.

Jongho shook his head at Yunho's response.

"I must do a good job in general then." Lay chuckled before forcefully taking the Moon Jewel from Yunho.

"These are one of those moments where I feel scared, but I'm not scared......you understand me?" Yunho muttered to Jongho.


Lay chuckled a bit when he saw how confused but shocked Jongho and Yunho was.

"It played out so perfectly! Why do you think I moved here? This town is so big, but everyone is tied to someone else by a simple connection! It was all too perfect! Your family trying to sell you was able to set this plan in action. Me owning that hospital was enough to make me appear as the good guy."

Jongho looked at Yunho with hurt written all over his face.

"You said you were kicked out." He whispered. His eyes scanned Yunho's eyes. They were growing gray as his hair started to turn from light brown to black.

Yunho shook his before letting out a deep sigh.

"I'm a pawn."

Jongho wanted to argue with him, but he knew that now was not the time.

He wanted to protest and ask Lay if adopting him was apart this plan, but he was too late.

Lay was already gone.

"I've had a good run." Yunho singed.

Those words made Jongho almost panic.

"Don't you have like a back up plan? Something to save you?" He sighed while pulling his own hair.

Yunho nodded, but then he thought about how he saw Jaehyun getting shit-face wasted.

"Maybe tomorrow...." He muttered out.

"Tomorrow?! You don't even have a hour to spare!"

Yunho bit his lip when he saw his hands go pale. He knew that Jongho was right.

"Barely a few minutes." He struggled to say as he felt like his lungs were slowly squeezing every bit of oxygen out of themselves.

Jongho felt like he was watching one of his closest friends die right in front of him.

"We should get you to the hospital." He muttered.

Yunho shook his head before collapsing to the floor.

"Please tell me he can hold off till tomorrow!" Jongho whispered to himself before rushing to Yunho's pale body. He put the dead males head onto his lap.

Many thoughts were racing through his head.

He knew that there were no sober Angels there, and he didn't know if there were any Demons that had the ability of the kiss of death.

Jongho was about to call his other dad, but he paused, seeing that no one could be really trusted.

"What do I do?" He whined.

All panic was pushed aside when someone came up the stairs.

"I can help."

Jongho wanted to say no, but what else could he do.

"You better actually help."

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