Bonus 2

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Parents: Namjin

Their Child: Seonghwa

Midnight Breeze

Jin felt riled up over the smallest but biggest thing.

He didn't like the fact that he graduated earlier, leaving him to go to college first. Being that he was also the oldest in his friend group, that left him to be alone in college too. But his childhood friend somehow made it possible to be there.

His head was often left with thoughts of worry, thinking about his two younger brothers, Taehyung and Jimin.

Jin was worried about how much money would be good for them.

With him working a part time job and going to class, he didn't know if he would have enough money to begin with for both him and his brothers. It was bad enough that he refused to ask his rich friend for money, even if he was offered the money, he would refuse it.

He believed he was lucky enough to get into college with the scholarships he earned on his last year of Highschool.

Jin sat with his legs dangling from in between the bars of the balcony. His eyes were set straight on the moon, trying to see if there was some type of sign of hope.

"Give me something to believe in." He sighed, losing his bright outlook on life.

There was just something in him that was starting to die out.

He was about to head back into his dorm room until he heard a ringing sound in the distance. That sound could only mean one thing: Someone robbed the bank.

His body automatically peered over the balcony to see the commotion.

There were two hooded figures running with duffel bags. One had a scent that stuck out more than the other.

Jin didn't think much of it until one of them looked up at him and they made eye contact.

A chill ran down his spine.

"Who was that?" He muttered as he watched the two people run with a few bills flying out of the bags.


Jin woke up to his roommate shaking him.

"What Baekhyun?" He groaned.

"We just got two new people next door to us!"

Jin covered his head with his blanket, showing that he didn't care at all.

"Apparently they went to the same school with us at one point!"

That didn't make Jin get out of his bed either. He was too tired from staying up last night, thinking too deeply for no reason.

"Let's go say hello to them!" Baekhyun chirped while dragging Jin out of his bed.

Jin groaned before standing up. He huffed while putting on his fluffy slippers before grabbing his stuffed animal he named RJ.

"I hate you." He muttered as him and Baekhyun walked out of their dorm.

Baekhyun smiled brightly, knowing that Jin didn't mean it.

The two stood in front of the dorm room that laid exactly next to theirs.

Baekhyun knocked on the door happily as Jin was half asleep, leaning onto Baekhyun's shoulder.

After a few minutes, someone finally opened the door. He had a cute smile that resembled a bunny as his eyes sparkled.


Baekhyun waved as Jin nodded lazily.

"I'll be right back." He muttered before leaving the door.

Jin and Baekhyun looked at each other oddly.

"He looks too young to be here." Jin whispered.

Before Baekhyun could agree, someone else came to the door.

"He's not a student here."

Jin choked on his spit when he looked into the persons eyes.

"You robbed the bank last night!" He gasped.

Baekhyun looked at him crazily.

Namjoon clicked his tongue before pulling both of the males into the room, he closed the door quickly right after.

"Don't say such things out loud!" He scolded.

Jin looked at him with big eyes while Baekhyun was distracted by someone else who was in the room.

It was a shirtless tall guy standing by a bed that had a huge pile of money on it.

"My name is Namjoon." Namjoon sighed.

Jin and Baekhyun looked at him suspiciously, doubting that he was telling the truth.

"That is Jungkook. He is kind of like a son to me." Namjoon said while pointing at the teen who was making snow angels in the money on the bed.

"And that is Chanyeol. We are like brothers." He said while pointing at the shirtless man.

Baekhyun winked at Chanyeol, causing him to blush in return.

Jin shook his head in disbelief while looking at the money on both of the beds.

"I'm guilty by association now." He muttered before rolling his eyes.

Baekhyun clicked his tongue before introducing himself and Jin.

"My name is Baekhyun, not the food bacon. This is my dearest friend Jin, who is single. We are both Omegas."

Jin smacked the back of his head in return.

"No one needs to know that!" He scolded.

Baekhyun shrugged as a smile etched across his face.

"Do you live here?" Jungkook suddenly asked.

Jin nodded.

"I live on the country side."

Jin looked confused while Namjoon stifled a laugh.

"It's a inside joke."

Baekhyun and Jin looked at each other before shrugging.

"We'll see you guys around then?" Chanyeol muttered.

Baekhyun nodded vigorously while Jin looked at Namjoon, trying to not blush at the fact that Namjoon was staring at him.

"Sure." Jin muttered before dragging Baekhyun out of the room.

As soon as the door closed, Namjoon chuckled as he looked at the floor.

"He dropped his bear."

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