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Yunho felt as if bugs were crawling down his back. There was just a weird feeling he would get whenever he was anywhere near Mingi.

It was as if the atmosphere would shift whenever they were both in the same room.

Like at that moment, Mingi and Yunho were sitting on opposite sides of the classroom, not sparing a glance towards each other.

"You smell oddly regular today....like, where is that strong scent that is normally on you?" Ten whispered.

Yunho rolled his eyes before looking at the shorter male.

"I'm not wearing Mingi's clothes, and I sleep in a different room now."

Ten gasped, causing the teacher to look at him with a stern face.

"Are you guys in the divorce stage already?" He whispered.

Yunho looked at him before looking at his own paper.

"We were never together to begin with." He muttered.

Ten shook his head in denial, believing that Yunho was just being pissy and in his feelings.

"Where were you last night anyway? I could've sworn you were gonna go to the party last night."

Yunho clicked his tongue in disgust.

"I was at the party....hooking up with Jungwoo."

Ten was tempted to scream, but he covered his mouth to signal the fact that he was surprised.

"Yunho! You're such a bad boy!" He whispered.

Yunho stifled his laughter.

"Please don't say that again....that sounds hella sexual when you say that."

Ten rolled his eyes before pulling out his phone.

Yunho was curious after he felt his phone vibrate.

"Moon told me that we were gonna go to the lake this weekend." Ten said with a wink.

That was enough for Yunho to check his phone.


Liked by @OhDaddyJ , @RichBitchEnergy, @MoonGoddess, and 127,000,000 others

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Liked by @OhDaddyJ , @RichBitchEnergy, @MoonGoddess, and 127,000,000 others

CountMeIn10 Who's ready to get wet?👀 Lets go Skinny Dipping this weekend at the lake👏 @YoungHoe will be there.......he's single.


@ RichBitchEnergy Count Chenle In!

@MotherTae ^Aren't you too young?


@WaterMelon I wanna join!


@Mingster @JungUWU Don't you have a boyfriend????

@JungUWU @Mingster He went ahead and marked this guy named Kun 😡

@DaddyKun Lucas and I are cute together...

Yunho blinked a few times before looking at Ten.

"I just have one question...."

Ten nodded for approval.

"Why do you have that picture saved in your phone?"

Ten shrugged, asking himself the same question.

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