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I woke up singing this song😂❤️

Yunho finally decided to join everyone downstairs after isolating himself for a few hours.

"What the hell is that smell?" He muttered as he smelled a unpleasant familiar scent.

It was something he always smelled whenever he walked past Britney's bedroom.

"Hongjoong is doing our nails! Look!" Ten squealed as he showed off one of his hands. His fingernails were perfectly painted a pastel blue.

Yunho looked at Mingi to see him drying his newly done neon purple acrylics.

He wanted to say something but remembered their little argument from earlier.

"They look good if you ask me." Jongho muttered as he sniffed the nail polish bottles.

"It smells horrible in here." Yunho huffed as he dragged himself to the kitchen.

He walked into the kitchen to see Sicheng sitting on the counter as Yuta sat beside him, eating some ice cream.

"Hey Yunho!" The couple said in a cheerful way.

"Hey" The boy grumbled as he looked through the fridge and cabinets for some breakfast. He looked through them for a good five minutes before being interrupted.

"If you're looking for something to eat, then you're late. All the food is gone." Yuta giggled.

Yunho wanted to scream his head off at the mention of there being no food.

"We're about to head to my house anyway."

Yuta, Sicheng, and Yunho looked towards the door to see Mingi standing there with two duffel bags in his hand.

"What are you two going to do?" Yuta muttered as he let out a not so subtle whistle.

"My dad likes to cook a big breakfast for everyone on Saturday mornings." Mingi muttered as he stared at a flustered Yunho.

Yunho was very flustered from Yuta's little question.

"Let's go." Mingi said as he looked at his own nails.

Yunho smiled at Sicheng and Yuta before leaving with his bestfriend.



Yunho giggled as he entered through the front door, following behind a smiling Mingi. He liked how the house was never quiet.

"Dad! We're here!" Mingi yelled as he tossed his and Yunho's bags to the side.

"Hey Puppies! Ha ha!"

Yunho laughed as he hugged Mingi's dad.

"Hey Uncle Mingyu." He said while thinking about Mingyu's weird laugh.

"How was the sleepover?" Wonwoo asked as he walked out of the kitchen.

"Cool." Mingi muttered as he showed them his nails.

"They're pretty! Who did them!" Hoshi yelled as he ran down the stairs.

"Hongjoong." Mingi said with a soft smile.

"They are really pretty."

Yunho blushed a bit as he heard the voice of Mingi's neighbor. He used to have a crush on the man, and it was very unhealthy.

"H-hi Mr.Lee ." Yunho stuttered as he looked at the short male.

Jihoon simply nodded with a small smile.

"Did either of you eat breakfast yet?" Mingyu asked with a big smile.

" I did, but Yunho decided to join everyone when all the food was gone." Mingi muttered as he rolled his eyes.

Yunho subtlety hit him in response.

"Well I just finished making some." Mingyu said before heading back to the kitchen.

Yunho smiled before looking at Mingi. He waited till everyone was out of earshot before saying something.

"You don't speak to me during the whole car ride but want to make snarky comments?"

"If you call that small little comment snarky, then you must be a over emotional brat in general."

At that moment, they were both on thin ice with each other. Mingi wasn't the type to be like that, so this whole scene was quite abnormal.

"I will literally go home if this is what you're going to act like." Yunho said with anger laced in his voice.

The other male could only shoot a daring look at him.

"You wouldn't."

That was enough for Yunho to storm out of the house.

"The idiot left his bag." Mingi chuckled before dragging both his and Yunho's bag to his room.


Yunho bit his lip in frustration as he walked along the empty sidewalk. He had decided to head into town after his petty argument with Mingi.

It was already late, so no one was really outside at that moment, except for Yunho and a few drunk people wandering around.

He honestly wanted to head back to Mingi's house, but there was something grasping his attention.

It felt like a powerful force was trying to takeover him in a odd way.

Drown out his senses out.

Take over his thoughts.

"When did I get into a alleyway?" Yunho muttered as he looked at his surroundings. He was really confused as to what just happened to him.

His eyes scanned the dark place, only to see a hooded figure standing a few feet away from him.

"Yunho, you're wasting time."

Yunho blinked a couple of times before realizing who the person really was.

"I don't remember you giving me a time limit for this Moon Jewel." He muttered as he fiddled with a ring on his finger.

"There is a reason why I took you to Britney's house in the first place. I know she liked you, so she let you stay at her house since you said you were kicked. The Moon Jewel is in her house. It's literally right there in front of you."

Yunho bit his lip as he could feel the hooded figure get frustrated.

"You have until your pet's birthday. He's such a distraction to you."

"Pet?! Are you talking about Mingi?!"

He didn't get a answer though.

The man was already gone.

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