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"I honestly don't want to go to school" Moon muttered as she fixed her outfit. She decided to wear a pair of pastel pink jean shorts with a oversized long sleeved graphic shirt, that she stole from Mingi.

"Mood" Yunho muttered as he laced up his sneakers. He had on a similar outfit, but it was pastel pink cargo shorts. They both had on all white sneakers to match each other.

"I hate both of you." Mingi muttered as he stood at the bedroom door.

He didn't like the idea of his sister and the love of his life matching.

"I think we look cute, right babes?" Moon asked as she looked at a smiling Yunho.

All Yunho could do is nod.

"I can't bare to see anymore of this." Mingi cried dramatically before heading downstairs.

"Where is your keys?" Moon muttered.

Yunho looked at her with a quirked eyebrow.

"I don't own a car...."

Moon giggled softly before grabbing her phone off her dresser, tucking it into her pocket.

"I know." She said.

Yunho smiled brightly before tossing his Motorcycle keys to the giggling girl. He liked how Moon wanted to drive the Motorcycle, which was different from Britney and all of the female friends Yunho has had in the past.

"Let's hurry up before Mingi starts to whine about us riding together." Moon giggled.


Yunho breathed heavily as he carefully got off of the back of his motorcycle.

"I can't ride with you no more." He muttered as he watched a smiling Moon get off of the motorcycle.

"Don't be a wimp Yunho." She giggled as she whipped her hair around like the girls you would see in a movie.

Yunho shook his head before looking around.

He started to see how much attention they were drawing.

"We have a audience." Moon whispered.

Yunho nodded as he saw a angry Mingi stomping towards them.

"You guys left me! I had to ride to school with mom, she refused to let me drive myself." He screamed while breathing harshly.

"I know." Moon said proudly.

Yunho left out a small giggle, but silenced himself when he saw Mingi looking him up and down with red eyes.

"Well, show me around. Mom should be signing my papers right now." Moon said while wrapping her arm around Yunho's arm.

Mingi looked at their arms and let out a dramatic scream, drawing more people attention.

"Let's just go." Yunho chuckled nervously.

They both left Mingi, letting him scream at the air while pulling his hair.

"He's so dramatic." Yunho muttered as him and Moon walked into the school.

"One reason why you should date him." She coughed.

Yunho couldn't help but to blush deeply.

Everyone was staring at how the two were walking with their arms linked and how they had on matching outfits.

A few people muttered about how she was new and how they could possibly be together.

"Moon, are you dating or talking to anyone?" Yunho muttered as they stopped at his locker.

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