51....The End💕

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Yunho blushed as he saw what Mingi held in his hands. Rolling his eyes at the mention of Ten feeling jealous.

He did not know how to exactly react. Already used to being spoiled and getting gifts, yet not expecting something so dramatic at school.

"So....can I have him?" Ten coughed out.

"No" Yunho deadpanned as he watched Mingi walk towards him.

It was obvious that he was flustered. Blush running up his neck, all the way up to his cheeks. Ears resembling tomatoes as he looked for something to say.


"Shhhhh~ Don't ruin the moment." Mingi said as he put a finger over his mouth.

"Rude" Ten muttered, yet smiling as he looked at the red bag Mingi had in his hands.

As he peeked into it, a squeal left his mouth. Ready to yell what he just saw. Blushing as vivid erotic images popped into his head.

"This is so sinful but I'm living for it!" He whispered as he threw his head back.

Wanting to ask why Mingi would bring such things to school.

"What's in the bag?!" Yuta shouted.

Before anything could be said, Heechul cleared his throat. Wanting for the groups he assigned to get together.

"I don't care what's in the bag, and neither should anyone else!" He laughed nervously.

Scared of being fired after seeing the principal walk past the room.

Yunho nodded in agreement as he looked at Mingi then back at the red bag. Wanting to peek into it, but scared that he may have a bigger reaction than Ten.

"We should get to work, people!" Jungwoo said as he clapped his hands.

Not wanting to watch Mingi and Yunho stare at each other any longer. Jealousy and frustration eating him up from inside.

Mingi nodded in agreement as he sat the bag and teddy bear down underneath Ten's desk. Knowing that the boy would keep it safe after seeing the contents.

"So, what's this group thing?" Mingi asked.

Yunho didn't pay attention to his question, instead, sneakily pulling the bag towards himself. Biting his inner cheek after seeing what was in it.

"Mingi!" He squeaked as he suddenly yanked the male down to his level by his collar.

"Hm?" Mingi hummed.

"Did you really have to bring that to school?" Yunho whispered.

"What are you whispering about?" Kun whispered as he got close to them.

"Lingerie and sex toys." Yunho whispered back, making Kun jump back in surprise.

He looked shocked, blushing as he looked at how straight forward the couple was.

"It honestly does not get any more surprising." Kun muttered.

Jungwoo shook his head as he put his hand on Yunho's shoulder. Staring him directly in the eyes as he let out a sigh.

"Yunho, it is not too late for us to be together. I know we've fought before, but that night....at that party proved we had chemistry." He said out loud purposely.

Yunho scrunched his eyebrows as he heard the sound of multiple people gasp.

Heechul spat out the water he was drinking after hearing those words.

"I was not myself that day. I just wanted to get back at Mingi by sleeping with the same slut he slept with. Plus, I was intoxicated." Yunho sighed out.

Jungwoo looked furious and angry. Not wanting to accept that Yunho called him a slut.

"You know what, you're a whore." He spat out.

"Shut up you whore!" Ten screamed.

Mingi felt a bit of guilt hit him as he thought about sleeping with Jungwoo. Not proud of the past at all.

"Yunho is my boyfriend now and that's all that matters!" He said out loud.

Yunho started blushing more harshly. Covering his mouth as his eyes widened.

Ten scrunched his eyebrows together before shaking his head.

"Mingi, that is not how you do it. Knees, now." He demanded.

He shook his head with satisfaction as Mingi got down on one knee. Smiling as he started shedding small tears.

"Yunho" Mingi sighed out as he pulled a ring from his pocket.

"Yes?" Yunho muttered, touching at his burning red hears.

"Will you be my husband?"

Ten fell back into Hwasa's arms after hearing the question. Making him the other person who fainted besides Jungwoo.


"What the actual fuck! I missed it!" Moon screamed as he walked into the classroom.


So....for a few months, I've felt guilty about that last chapter.....so I published this one thing

Because I never did the whole "Do you want to be my boyfriend?" thing🤭😂

Plus, I wrote this chapter shortly after I completed this book

So yes....this chapter has been sitting here for quite a while

Now that I have finally published this, I can now move onto my Seventeen fic without guilt😂

Sincerely, OhDaddyKun💫💕

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