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"Your dad is really good looking." Yunho said as he took a seat next to Yuta on the couch.

"He's actually my Uncle. My real parents are on the run since they're wanted."

Yunho blinked a few times before saying 'Wow'.

"Do know who's parents are really good looking though?" Winwin suddenly said.

"Who?" Yunho asked curiously.

"Minho's parents." Ten said while nodding vigorously. Yuta nodded in return too.

Yunho was now curious as to what they look like. He never saw them since they apparently went on a lot of business trips, so now his curiosity was high.

"They actually just came back like last night, I think they're in the backyard." Winwin muttered.

Not even a second passed before Yunho stood up and started to make his way to the backyard.

He wanted to know how good looking these two people looked.

And that was exactly what he was seeing when he looked through the glass door that separated the backyard and him.

He saw a cute couple playing around in the pool, enjoying each other's company.

"That is the Hunhan couple. They're so freaking perfect for each other. Luhan and Sehun are childhood friends. Luhan moved away and started a family, but then realized that the person who was the father of Minho was a toxic person. So Luhan and Minho moved back here and met Sehun. Ever since then, Sehun has been Minho's stepdad."

Yunho turned around to see Baekhyun standing there with a big smile.

"When did you get here?" He chuckled a bit.

"I've been here for a while. Whenever they get back from a business trip, they invite Chanyeol and I over for dinner since Yeosang and Minho are close friends."

Yunho nodded a bit, fully understanding how Baekhyun knew the whole background story of the cute couple.

"Well, I'm going to go chill with Chanyeol, I'll see you later."

Yunho smiled as he watched Baekhyun walk away.

"He's so tiny."


Yunho was watching Tv as he rested his head on Moon's lap. She loved braiding his hair for some reason.

"You guys are like platonic lovers." Chenle muttered as he entered the living room.

Moon nodded at the obvious.

"Kind of like you and Jisung."

Chenle went silent for a moment before nodding slowly.

"Platonic you say....."

Yunho gasped at what Chenle was getting at.

"You are way too young sir." He muttered.

"All I did was agree." Chenle laughed loudly before running away.

Moon giggled over how cute Chenle's laugh was. She was interrupted when the front door suddenly opened.

"Where have you been?" She asked as soon as she saw Mingi.

"I was hanging out with Lucas and his boyfriend."

Yunho went tense at his words.

"Lucas and Jungwoo?!" Moon barked.

"No, Lucas and Kun." Mingi said while holding his hands up as if he was surrendering.

Yunho felt somewhat at ease when he heard that he was with Kun.

"Why are you guys always together." Mingi muttered as he sat on a different sofa. He always felt like he was losing whenever Yunho was with Moon.

"Because this is my baby, duh." Moon said as she rolled her eyes.

Yunho could only let out a little laugh at how Mingi always felt threatened by Moon.

"Dinner is ready!" Baekhyun could be heard yelling.

Moon clapped with excitement before getting up and running to the dining room.

"She sure does love food." Yunho giggled as he looked at one of his unfinished braids.

Mingi nodded in agreement, thinking of all the times Moon has chosen food over him when they were younger.

"Well, I'm going to eat." Yunho muttered as he got up from the couch.

While he was walking, he felt a hand grab his wrist tightly, preventing him from going anywhere. He didn't have the confidence to turn around and face Mingi, making his heart rate speed up.

"Can you look me in the eyes?" Mingi asked.

Yunho shook his head, knowing that just Mingi's eyes could make him weak.

"I'm not trying to lose self control over myself." He muttered as he looked at the ground.

Yunho knew that it was a matter of time before he would lose his sanity trying to control himself from begging for Mingi to devour him.


After 3 years of lying to myself🤡

I've learned that the lyrics are

What What What What ? Fire Truck!



Sincerely, OhDaddyKun🤠❤️

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