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Mingi bit his lip while looking out of his bedroom window, sitting on a sofa, admiring how pretty the full moon was. His mind kept racing, thinking about random things. About how space works.

It was until the thought of a lunar eclipse suddenly popped into his head.

It scared him how something so big and pretty made everything so dark. How the moon manages to block out the brightness of the sun. The thought of it seemed so impossible, but it was real.

Like how his jealousy blocked out the fact that Yunho needed help.

Thinking that Yunho belonged to Britney made him lose all hope and it put a cast of coal over his heart.

It made him start to resent his feelings for Yunho, not really realizing that Yunho needed him.

He may have not admitted it, but Yunho needed Mingi.

Throughout the fake relationship, unwanted sex, dark demanding tasks, and unhealthy relationships with other people.

Yunho mainly needed his mate.

His destined mate.


But Mingi didn't know that. He felt as if the deep feelings he had for Yunho came from being best friends for a long time, not realizing that they came from being destined mates.


"Hey, are you alright?"

Moon walked in to see a anxious Mingi staring out the window. Her eyes trailed over to his bed to see a unconscious Yunho tucked under a few blankets. They had took Yunho over to their house after Lucas helping them revive the vulnerable boy.

"I'm fine." He muttered.

Moon could see that Mingi was trying to not show his true feelings, like how he was freaking out at the thought of Yunho possibly dying.

"He will be fine." She sighed before getting into Mingi's bed and under the covers.

She wrapped her arms around Yunho's waist, tucking her face into his neck.

A smile made a way onto her face when she felt Mingi glaring at her.

"No need to feel so threatened! Yunho likes you. He even loves you!" Moon giggled.

Mingi shook his head in denial.

"The reason why I'm so touchy with him is because I love him. I love him so much."

Those words put Mingi on edge. The word Love coming from Moon's mouth was scaring him, especially since she was referring to Yunho.

"I see him as my baby. Like a infant I gave birth to. Like, if I had a son, I would want him to be like a little Yunho." Moon clarified.

Mingi's eyebrows raised in confusion.

"I see him the way I see you. Someone that I want to protect, even if my life is on the line. I love him like family, not as a lover. I've never had the intentions of liking him, and I never will." Moon giggled before planting a gentle kiss onto Yunho's cheek.

"But you've always had this look in your eyes when you see him." Mingi muttered.

"It's not lust though. My love for him is platonic."

Mingi sighed before getting up from his sofa.

He walked over to his bed and laid himself under the thick blankets.

"So he's mine?" He whispered as he wrapped his arms around Yunho tightly, pulling him into his chest.

"He's not a object." Moon scoffed as a small smile crawled onto her face.

A feeling of satisfaction settled onto her as she looked at the position they were in.

Mingi clinging onto Yunho as Moon had one of her legs latched onto Yunho and a arm draped over his waist.

"If you own him, then it's vice versa." She muttered.

"If I own him, he owns me...."

Moon nodded as sleep started to take over her.

"Yup" She yawned as she snuggled into Yunho's back.

"He owns you just as much as you own. He loves you just as much as you love him, and maybe more."

Mingi sighed as his arms tightened around Yunho.

"Trust me, he already has me in his clutches."

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