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"Did I die again?" Yunho whispered.

He didn't get any type of response, which made him feel like it was safe to open his eyes.

Once he opened his eyes, he saw Moon and Mingi sitting on the side of the bed. Moon looked relieved while Mingi looked angry.

"I feel like I should close my eyes again...." Yunho winced before covering his face with his blanket.

"This is not the time to play around. Do you even remember what happened last night?" Moon asked as she gently took the blanket off of Yunho's face.

Yunho shook his head, guilt written all over his face.

"I only remember leaving the house in a hurry.......having a drink.....then Jungwoo slipped something into my mouth."

Moon sighed when she saw how red Mingi's eyes were. They resembled blood, showing how angry he was.

"Why do you look mad?" Yunho muttered, trying to avoid eye contact with Mingi.

Mingi stood up, letting out a deep breathe in the process.

"I'm not mad.....totally not mad."

Yunho bit his lip, waiting for the outburst.

"I'm just livid!"

Moon smacked her forehead when Mingi yelled.

"I'm so livid! You had sex with Britney multiple times! You almost had sex with Lucas! You even almost had sex with Jungwoo last night! Do you even know how fucking drunk you were last night?!"

Yunho actually looked at the ceiling, trying to recall how many times did he voluntarily drink something.

But even though he was thinking about all the stuff he was drinking, there was just something he had to voice out.

"Why does it matter who I have sex with? I'm not your property, lover, or significant other. I am your friend."

Mingi nodded in agreement.

"Yes, you are totally right. You are just my friend." He concluded before leaving the bedroom.

Moon let out a whistle.

"So......being that there is a slight chance you guys might not work out, there's a chance I won't have a niece or nephew." She said as a fake sob left her mouth.

Yunho rolled his eyes before screaming into his pillow.

"I just want some love!" He screamed.

Moon nodded in agreement.

"I agree with you so much."

Yunho quirked an eyebrow after looking at Moon.

"What about Haelo?"

Moon bit her lip before fiddling with the rings on her hand.

"She's been doubting me. All she does is assume that I would cheat on her, when I already know that getting cheated on is horrible, so why the fuck would I do it? Why would I cheat on her?"

Yunho shook his head, disappointed that Moon was getting this treatment.

"So, she likes to try to accuse me of liking her and Britney, all because of the fact that I have to work with her in class." Moon let out a deep sigh, showing that she was disappointed.

"If Haelo saw your true awesomeness, you two would already be together!" Yunho said with serious face.

"I would like to believe that....but what happens if I'm just not that awesome?"

Yunho sighed when he realized this was starting to make Moon doubt herself.

"Don't keep focusing on her if this is going to take a toll on your feelings for yourself."

Moon nodded a bit, taking in what Yunho was saying.

"I just really thought that Haelo was my soulmate....."

Yunho nodded in agreement.

"You might need someone else though......Haelo may be a good friend to you, but someone else could actually be your lover."

Moon frowned but nodded anyway.

She really wanted Haelo, but some things just don't work out the way you want it to work out.

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