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Yunho was curious as to how he ended up where he was.

He only remembered taking one shot.

Then two shots.

Then a few more.

Now he was sitting on the the couch, Jungwoo on his lap, making out as if there was no tomorrow.

Yunho's hands were gripping tightly onto the other's small waist, while Jungwoo had his hands entangled with Yunho's hair.

Everyone was too drunk to even pay attention to them, but it was clear that there was something out of place.

Like the fact that Jungwoo was practically dry humping Yunho, who was also a Omega.

Both of their pheromones combined was enough to put a few Alpha's into their rut.

It only made things worst since no one knew that Yunho was a Omega.

"You know, I didn't think you was the type to do this." Jungwoo said as he bit back a moan. There were dark purple spots on his neck from where Yunho was sucking at his skin harshly.

"Me either." Yunho pulled back when he tasted blood. He had bit deeply into Jungwoo's skin, but he didn't mark him.

"Come with me." Jungwoo whispered into Yunho's ear.

He stood up, walking up the stairs nearby.

Yunho gulped before following Jungwoo.

As he followed the other, his mind started to have a war with itself.

He didn't know if it was or wasn't a good idea to follow Jungwoo.

But it was too late to even decide when he felt his back hit a mattress.

It was obvious that him and Jungwoo were alone in a bedroom, but he was confused as to how did they get there so fast.

"You're really pretty." Jungwoo muttered as he crawled onto Yunho's lap.

Yunho sat up, taking off his shirt in the process.

"What are we doing?" He muttered as he tossed his shirt across the room.

Jungwoo licked his lips as he pushed Yunho back onto the bed.

"Lets play a game." He muttered as he tied a blindfold around the other's head.

Yunho gulped as he felt a hand slide down his abdomen.

His mind would black out as he felt Jungwoo kiss on him.

Is this right?

Will I regret this in the morning?

I don't think this is wrong.....

Yunho couldn't think straight at all at that moment.

With the alcohol intoxicating him and a pill Jungwoo gave him earlier, his mind just wasn't functioning right.

He knew Jungwoo was the one kissing on him, but he felt as if he was just dealing with another Britney.

But while those thoughts kept going through his head, Mingi kept taking over his mind for some reason.

He just wished that it was Mingi who was kissing him and touching on him.

"I don't think this is a good idea...." Yunho muttered as he felt Jungwoo's hands unbuckle and unbutton his jeans.

"Trust me, this is a good idea."

Yunho wanted to disagree, but it was as if his body reacted a different way. He was turned on and he was reacting to Jungwoo's drive in return.

After a few minutes of having a mental battle, Yunho found his thoughts acting as something useless.

Just as Jungwoo's hands rested onto the band of his underwear, the door opened and slammed against the wall.

"What the hell are you doing?" Mingi gasped.

He was quick to shove Jungwoo out of the way.

Moon sighed before going over to Yunho and untying the blindfold that was blocking his vision.

"Moon?" Yunho muttered.

She didn't bother saying anything.

She was just happy that she got there before anything crazy happened.

While Mingi looked as if he had something stolen from him.

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