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"Stop it!" Yunho screamed.

Mingi kept hitting him with a huge pillow.

"Wake up hoe!" He screamed as he started to smother Yunho with the pillow.

Yunho decided to roll over, knocking both of them off the bed.

"Shut the fuck up! I can hear you guys!" Wooyoung screamed from the bedroom beside them. San could be heard screaming incoherent words.

"You shut your mouth!" Mingi yelled as him and Yunho wrestled each other.

He screamed when Yunho decided to tackle him and slam him into the wall. It took a turn for the worst when Mingi dropped kicked Yunho, almost putting a hole in the wall.

"Fuck his shit up sis!" San yelled through the wall as heard the sound of two people fighting.

"How about all of you shut up!" Sicheng screamed as he bursted into the bedroom.

Yunho and Mingi froze and in their spots, smiling apologetically.

"They do this whenever they sleepover here." Yeosang yawned as he stood behind a angry Sicheng.

"I'm sorry Sicheng." Yunho said with a big smile as he shoved Mingi to the ground, earning a groan in response.

Sicheng nodded before going back to bed with Yuta.

"When the hell did you get so strong?" Mingi muttered as he stood up with a fake smile.

"When did you get so weak?" Yunho giggled.

"Burn!" San shouted through the wall.

"Stop listening to our conversation!" Mingi yelled as he tossed himself onto the bed.

Yunho let out a soft laugh as he checked his phone. He had many missed calls and text messages from Britney.

"She doesn't get the message, does she?" He muttered angrily.

"Britney? She's just doing the job of a worried girlfriend." Mingi muttered as he covered his head with his pillow.

"Worried girlfriend. Pffft! Whenever your ex girlfriend was worried about you she never.....whats the right way to say this.....acted like a fucking lunatic that treats her boyfriend as a sex slave."

"Go off I guess." Johnny muttered as he walked past their bedroom door.

Yunho groaned as he rushed to shut the door.

"Vanessa was nice, and she still is." Mingi said with a soft smile.

That was enough to make Yunho angry.

"Why did you two break up?" He asked after clicking his tongue. Jealousy was written all over him.

"That's none of your business." Mingi chuckled bitterly.

"Yes it is!" Yunho's voice slowly rising in anger.

"It will become your business when you open your eyes. It will become your business when you tell me the truth as to why you are dating a snake. It will become your business when you tell me why you went to Britney first when you got kicked of your house, when you guys weren't even dating yet!" Mingi yelled as he went to the bathroom with his duffel bag.

"It must involve me, am I right?!" Yunho yelled.

He didn't get an answer except for Mingi coming out of the bathroom with a whole outfit on. A fitted black shirt and skinny black ripped jeans fitted on him like a second skin.

All Yunho could do was gulp.

"Like I said, it will become your business when you stop hiding things from me." Mingi sighed as he dropped his bag.

He left the room with no words but a deep sigh.

"That was intense." Ten muttered as he walked into the room before closing the door and locking it.

Yunho looked bewildered as he watched the short male get comfortable on the bed.

"Did you listen to our whole con-"

"That's not important. What's important is my question." Ten said with a serious face.

"Which is?" Yunho asked with a quirked eyebrow. His patientence and temper was already running low.

"What is your status?"

The other bit his lip as he looked at Ten.

"Beta. Didn't I already tell you this last night?" He asked with confusion written all over his face.

"Yunho, I saw your eyes before you kissed Mingi. Betas and Omegas have two different reactions in that situation." Ten said with a devious smile.

Yunho bit his inner cheek as his eyes stared directly into Ten's eyes.

"Don't worry, I won't tell." Ten chuckled.

Yunho didn't believe that though.

What happens if Ten tries to blackmail him like Lucas did to Yeosang.

"I'm just curious in general. You're really attractive, gorgeous and all. I can tell that you have a wonderful personality. It's clear to some that you've been through tough times." He muttered as he looked at a deep scar that was on Yunho's waistline.

It was clear that he forgot that he didn't have on a shirt.

"What are you possibly getting at?"

"You would be a wonderful mate to a special someone. Especially when he turns 18."

Yunho felt his blood turn cold as he heard those words.

"When will you tell him? You can hide it, but you're pretty terrible at hiding it." Ten said as he cocked his head to the side. It was like he was studying Yunho.

"None of your business." Yunho muttered.

Ten let out a small soft laugh as he stood up.

"I just wanted to know." He muttered before leaving the bedroom.

Yunho sighed as he laid on the bed.

"If only you knew what I got myself into a few years ago."

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