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Yunho stood outside of the cafeteria with a frown on his face.

He just didn't feel right.

It was like his whole aura was gloomy.


He just didn't feel like himself.

"What's wrong babe?"

Yunho turned around to see Moon with a concerned look on her face. She looked suspicious, as if she was ready for Yunho to lie and say that he's 'fine'.

He stood there, trying to smile.

"Can you tell me what's wrong, please?"

Yunho let out a deep sigh, feeling too tired to act okay.

"Can I be honest with you?"

Moon blinked a few times, looking as if she was going to say "Of course, you cute bean.".

After a few minutes, the sad gloomy boy finally started to declare his wish.

"I honestly want...."

Yunho went silent, making Moon start guessing random things.



"A Vacation?"

She eventually quit and said the most obvious answer.

"My brother?"

Yunho didn't even bother denying. He started to feel what he had watched his friends go through. Whenever he watched them get faraway from their other half, they would feel lonely.

And that was exactly how he was feeling.

"I think you should honestly tell Mingi that. I'm pretty sure he would love to hear you say that." Moon declared with a huge smile on her face.

Yunho shook his head, denial starting to cloud his mind.

"He would see it as a friendly gesture."

Moon huffed out in annoyance. She was tired of seeing her #1 ship fail to sail.

"I will murder Shiber if you and Mingi don't date each other."

Yunho looked horrified.

"Don't bring munchkin into this!" He gasped.

Moon rolled her eyes, knowing that she would never hurt San's dog. Shiber would probably try to eat her.

"Please just date him. It's so obvious you guys like and even love each other. This is so painful to watch the both of you act like you two are just bestfriends."

Yunho shrugged in defeat, but in disbelief at the same time.

Moon shrugged in defeat, but got an idea suddenly.

"Do you remember when Uncle Baekhyun used to kidnap us and take us cliff diving while our parents were left home worried?"

Yunho nodded, letting out a giggle at the silly things Baekhyun used to do.

"He swore he wanted children, so he claimed us as his children instead of having his own."

Moon giggled, missing the good memories.

"Well, lets go swimming this weekend."

Yunho looked a bit suspicious, but agreed to the idea anyway.

He knew something fishy was gonna happen, but he wanted to take the risk.

"You only live twice." Yunho giggled.

Moon shook her head as a big smile etched across her face.

"No baby, you only live twice. Everyone else lives once." She giggled.

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