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"Then she was like 'I don't normally date anyone'. Then I was like 'I'm not anyone though, I'm the Moon to your Sun' because of how pretty her eye makeup was."

Yunho smiled when he listened to how happy Moon was from meeting Haelo.

He couldn't help but frown when they got to the cafeteria though.

From the door, they saw Mingi hugging Hwanwoong from the back.

"Unacceptable" Moon screeched.

Yunho bit his lip when he saw how close they were.

"But he called me his earlier...."

"The guy is very adorable, but I might throw hands." Moon said while throwing punches at the air.

"No, I'm too classy to fight."

"Okay, Slay?!" Moon said in surprise.

She was quite surprised, especially since Yunho used to be a firecracker when he was younger, fighting with Mingi and San all the time.

Her eyes followed him, curious of what he may be doing.

"What are you doing?" Moon muttered when she saw Yunho walk up to a table. It was a bunch of football players, she could tell by the jerseys and letterman jackets they were wearing.

"If no one here knows that he's a Omega, he sure as hell is being reckless right now." She whispered.

Yunho smiled as he stood at the table with a small smile.

"Oh hey Yunho, what are you doing here?" One guy asked, trying his best not to stutter.

Yunho was basically that one Beta everyone wanted for theirselves. All because of his masculinity along with how submissive he was to Britney. He was submissive to a extent, but not so much as your typical Omega. To everyone's eyes, Yunho was perfect besides the fact that he was a Beta.

"I wanted to talk to the Quaterback." Yunho said with a sweet smile.

Lucas looked up from his phone, eyes blown wide open as he licked his lips.

"What could someone so pretty like you want from me?" He asked as he seductively bit his lip.

It would be a lie if that didn't excite Yunho one bit.

He walked over to Lucas before sitting on his lap, causing shock to ripple through the cafeteria.

"Oh no he didn't!" Moon gasped.

Both Mingi and Britney were watching from afar, anger drowning them.

Lucas chuckled a bit as his hand ran down Yunho's thigh. He gripped it tightly, causing Yunho to whimper a bit.

"Are you done playing games with Britney and Mingi?" He whispered into the submissive males ear.

Yunho nodded, being that his submissive side was impulsive.

"Yes." He whispered, biting his lip as he felt Lucas's grip get tighter.

"Are you sure?" Lucas whispered as his traveled further up Yunho's thigh before gripping it.

Yunho nodded as a small moan left his mouth, one that only Lucas could hear.

"Good" Lucas growled before biting his earlobe.

He gazed around the cafeteria, causing everyone to look away and act as if what they just saw did not happen.

Mingi wasn't having it though.

In an blink of an eye, he stomped over to the table and yanked Yunho off of Lucas's lap, pushing him away harshly.

Yunho almost lost his balance, but Moon was quick to rush over and catch him.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Mingi growled at Yunho.

"None of your business." Yunho said before stopping away and out of the cafeteria.

He didn't get far, being that Mingi yanked him up and slammed him against the lockers.

"What are doing?"

Yunho gulped as he looked at the position they were in. His hands were held above his head as Mingi's leg was rested in between his legs.

"Getting some d-"

He couldn't finish his sentence as fear took over him. Seeing Mingi's fangs slowly drawing out scared him.

"Do you really think Lucas would let you go after a little play date?! All it takes is onetime and he'll think that he owns you." Mingi muttered as he rested his head onto Yunho's shoulder.

Yunho bit the inside of his cheek as he tried to calm himself down.

Mingi being rough was a bit of a turn on for him.

I need help....

"But I'm fine now, right?" Yunho chuckled nervously as Mingi let go of him.

"I don't know what problems you have, but I want you to hurry up and sort them out." Mingi said before walking away.

Yunho slid down to the ground, thoughts piling up on him.

"Damn" Johnny muttered as he walked past him.

"Are you always there?!" Yunho screamed in frustration.

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