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Lucas sighed before kneeling in front of Jongho and Yunho.

He ran his hand over the unconscious males forehead.

"Just know that I'm only doing this to save his life since my cousin loves him."

Jongho nodded hesitantly as he watched Lucas's eyes turn a crimson color.

"Will he be okay?" He muttered, nervous that Yunho might actually die.

There was a small pause before Lucas could even respond.

"Mingi is on his way...."


Lucas put his finger over Jongho's mouth, a weird smile making a way onto his face.

"Nope, I don't trust you" Jongho said before shoving Lucas away.

He didn't need anybody doing something that could endanger Yunho.

"Trust me....just for once." Lucas muttered before shoving Jongho away with unnecessary force.

The helpless boy flew into the statue, hitting his head.

Lucas winced when he saw Jongho slump to the floor, his eyes closing in the process.

"He'll thank me later." He muttered before hovering over Yunho.

He honestly didn't want to do what he was about to do. But he knew that his venom would help Yunho. Lucas was doing this because it was simply out of the fact that he knew Mingi needed Yunho.

Like when Yunho was being held as prisoner in his own home, Mingi literally couldn't function well.

He became sluggish, emotionally absent, and mentally gone.

It was as if he was brain dead without Yunho.

Yunho was his life support.

Before Lucas could do anything, someone kicked him harshly, making him fly across the polished floor.

"You're not helping!" Moon growled when she witnessed Mingi's outburst. They were both there after demanding answers from a drunk Ten.

Mingi didn't care though. He was too blinded by his own rage.

Rage for his own self.

He was frustrated that he never bothered to actually press the truth out of Yunho.

Frustrated that Yunho didn't come to him first for advice.

He was mad from the fact that he didn't know Yunho's dark life threatening secrets.

Angry that Yunho thought that he could do this all by himself.

Sad that Yunho didn't lean on him during his troubled times.

"You fool." Moon muttered while she dragged Mingi by his hair.

She isn't fond of the idea of Lucas biting Yunho, but she knew that this was going to end this whole situation.

Mingi growled in distaste, wanting to kill everyone in that house.

"I'm not going to actually mark him you idiot." Lucas muttered before walking over to Yunho's cold pale body.

He took Yunho's arm and rolled up his sweater sleeve. Lucas's eyes met Mingi's eyes, looking for any sign of him denying approval.

But all he saw was love and regret.

"Trust me, I already marked someone tonight."

Those were his last words before biting into Yunho wrist.

It was something about this moment that put Mingi's thoughts at ease in some way.

That moment just helped him to know that Yunho is his.

No matter what.

Yunho belongs to him.


Life Support by Sam Smith

Freaking love that song

Sincerely, OhDaddyKun🤠❤️

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