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"How was your night?"

Yunho jumped at the sudden voice. He was surprised to see Mingi sitting in the dark living room.

"It was pretty cool...." He said while rubbing his nose.

It was obvious that he was catching a cold. He had been sneezing all night and he was already running a high fever.

"It's like three in the morning....why are you still awake?" Yunho muttered as he took a seat next the Mingi on the sofa.

"I could ask you the same thing." Mingi sighed.

Yunho couldn't say anything else. He was too tired from walking from Minho's house, in the dark cold night.

He laid his head onto Mingi's shoulder, feeling too tired to argue or talk about anything.

"Can I just say that you're special to me?" Yunho yawned out.

"The feeling is mutual." Mingi chuckled when he heard a light snore come from Yunho.


Yunho opened his eyes a bit, wondering where he was.

He felt a huge blanket on him as huge pillows surrounded him. There was doubt that he was in Mingi's room.

"Mingi must've carried me here." He muttered before he let out a small sneeze.

Yunho sat up a bit, thinking about if he was home alone or not.

"Hello? Is anyone home?"

Nobody answered expect for the sound of little paws scrambling down the hall.

Shiber came running into the room, his tongue hanging out as little pants left his mouth.

"Hey big bean!" Yunho said with a big smile as Shiber jumped onto the bed.

He thought Shiber was the cutest thing ever.

"Excuse me? Get down Shiber!" Mingi said with a bewildered look on his face. He did not want Shiber on his bed at all.

"No need to be so hostile." Yunho pouted when he saw the adorable hell hound jump off of the bed and run out of the room.

Mingi could only roll his eyes, not caring about what Yunho's opinion was at the moment.

"I could care less right now." He shrugged, causing Yunho to suck his teeth in distaste.

"That attitude of yours will get you nowhere in life." Yunho said proudly, not really realizing his words were going into one ear and out of the other, not getting to Mingi at all.

"Whatever, pass me the remote."

Yunho rolled his eyes before reaching over to the dresser beside the bed. He took the remote and threw it at Mingi.

Mingi was quick to block it with a pillow.

"No need to be so hostile." He mimicked in a whiny voice before grabbing the remote.

"I don't even sound like that." Yunho pouted.

Mingi shrugged before turning on the Tv.

Yunho was curious about what Mingi was putting on until he saw a familiar title he loved seeing.

"Since when did you like Harry Potter?"

Mingi shrugged before sliding under the covers, sitting right beside Yunho.

"I never said I hated it.....it's just not my taste."

Yunho smiled a bit before lying his head onto Mingi's shoulder.

"Well, if you intend on watching this whole marathon with me, we're gonna be here for a REALLY LONG time."

Mingi rolled his eyes but smiled anyway.

He felt guilty for calling Yunho a whore the previous night. It was as if he hurt himself just as much as he hurt Yunho's feelings. Mingi never realized how much of an impact that word could have until he saw how hurt Yunho was.

"I'm sorry."

Yunho looked a bit surprised at the sudden apology.

"Your apology is somewhat accepted." He said while fiddling with his own fingers.

Yunho wasn't really hurt anymore, but it somewhat left a wound.

It's a moment he could forgive, but it would always be there.

"Why is Shiber here anyway?" Yunho muttered, thinking about how cute the hell hound was.

"He was actually at the door this morning, scratching at it nonstop. He must've slipped out while Wooyoung and San weren't looking."

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