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As soon as Yunho entered Yeosang's bedroom, the game stopped.

"He's so pretty." Chenle muttered.

"That's what I said!" Jisung screamed from outside the room.

Sicheng would normally get jealous at Yuta for staring at someone else, but he couldn't help but to stare at Yunho himself.

"He has a girlfriend." Hongjoong said in a petty way.

(a/n: That just reminded me of Jaemin saying "she has a boyfriend".)

"It's always the gorgeous ones." Johnny whispered out loud.

"I didn't come here for you guys to stare at me all night. I would've stayed home if I wanted that." Yunho gagged at the thought of Britney staring at him.

"Come sit next to me." Taeil said with a soft smile as he pushed Yuta away from him. The said boy looked offended.

Yunho bit his lip before sitting next to Taeil. The others got comfortable as the circle got a bit larger.

"I wanna start extreme. Truth or Dare grasshopper." Yeosang said with a huge smile.

Yunho couldn't help but to grit his teeth at the petty nickname. No one really knew the meaning of it, but Ten seemed to catch on.

Ten was pretty suspicious of Yunho anyway. There was something different about him. It was his smell and aura, closing down to the way his body structure was.

"Ohhhhhh, So you're one of those people. You hop aro-"

"Dare!" Yunho shouted over Ten's accusations.

"Kiss your bestfriend."

Hongjoong started clapping his hands excitedly, making everyone giggle at him.

Mingi blushed as he avoided eye contact with everyone.

Yunho scratched his head as he emitted a nervous chuckle, looking at his bestfriend who was sitting directly across from him.

"Bestfriend? Ha ha."

He was literally close to pissing himself at that moment. It was well known who his bestfriend was, so it wasn't like he could deny anything. He was was mainly thinking about the consequences that could spring from such a small kiss.

All because of a little secret he had been hiding for the longest.

I'm going kill his small ass later.

"Come here Mingi." Yunho said confidently, versus what he was really feeling.

Mingi couldn't help but to have a different reaction.

Rather than looking flustered, he bit his lip before beckoning for Yunho to crawl towards him instead.

Him being naturally submissive and Mingi having natural dominance, Yunho crawled over to him.

Ten squealed when he saw something nobody else saw.

Yunho's eyes flashed a silver color.

"Fuck! Bitch!" He screamed, but no one really payed any attention to his outburst. They were pretty much used to it.

"I can't watch." Jongho said while covering his eyes, but he kept peeking through his fingers.

Yunho was on his knees as Mingi sat comfortably in front of him.

In a blink of an eye, Mingi grabbed Yunho's face and gave him a small but passionate kiss.

They both jumped away when an overwhelming sensation filled both of them.

The group giggled as both of them looked flustered. Yunho quickly went back to his spot as buried his face into Taeil's arm.

"Mingi how old are you?" Ten asked with a devious smile.

"I turn 18 in a month."

Ten bit his lip before looking at a flustered Yunho.

"What is your status?"

A few seconds passed before Yunho responded.


Ten nodded a bit as he thought to himself.

Either Mingi is a true blood or Yunho is lying.

"What is your status?" He asked while looking at Mingi suspiciously.

"True blood alpha."

Ten couldn't help but to smirk as he looked at a flustered Yunho.


"It's a been a long night." Mingi yawned as him and Yunho arrived to the bedroom.

They decided to share a guest room.

"We played that stupid game for like three hours." Yunho muttered as he stripped himself and put on a pair of basketball shorts.

"I'm so tired." Mingi whined as he stripped him to the point where he only had on his boxers.

He jumped into the big bed and laid sprawled out.

"What th- scoot over." Yunho sighed as Mingi took up the whole bed.

Mingi stubbornly scooted over only a little bit, leaving Yunho only a bit of space to lay down.

"You're so annoying." He muttered as he laid next to Mingi.

The other couldn't help but to giggle a bit before wrapping his arms around Yunho and pulling him closer to himself.

"You never told me where you got this from." Mingi muttered as he ran his hand down Yunho's waistline, tracing a deep scar.

Yunho couldn't even respond though. Mingi's hand was dangerously close to being able to slip into his shorts. Their bodies touching was enough to  drive Yunho insane. His skin felt like it was burning.

"I don't remember where I got it from." Yunho whispered as he felt Mingi's hand rest firmly on his waistline.

"Sometimes I forget that you're a Omega." Mingi muttered softly as he buried his face into the crook of Yunho's neck.

"What makes you remember?"

"The way your body responds to me." Mingi said as he hugged Yunho tightly.

The other boy couldn't help but to let out a sound of approval.

He had to admit that it was impossible to deny that his body did react in many ways when Mingi held him so close.

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