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"Checkmate Bitch!"

"Shit. That was my last piece of bread!"

Ten and Taeyong shook their heads as they watched Johnny and Jaehyun play chess.

"You have a bad boyfriend." Taeyong muttered as he checked on the unconscious fragile Yunho.

They were at the hospital since Jimin drove them there. He would've been in the room, but him and Boa were busy trying to handle the situation with Moon.

"Why are they betting on bread anyway? The cafeteria is downstairs." Taeyong scowled.

Ten chuckled before patting the frustrated male on the back.

"Being frustrated won't help you to talk to Jaehyun."

Taeyong flipped him off as he kept fixing the blankets and checking the tubes that transferred blood into Yunho.

It was funny how he kept tending to Yunho more than the nurses.

"Why is he here anyway?"

"Yunho is trying to steal a moon jewel for Lucifer." Ten muttered.

That shocked Taeyong, making him look at the unconscious male with dagger eyes.

"Is he out of his mind? He can die?!" He hissed.

"That is why Jaehyun will bring him back with his mystical angel powers." Ten said with random hand movements.

Taeyong shook his head, disappointed in almost everyone in that room.

"I honestly don't care right now. I just want to kill Britney." He hissed as he looked at Yunho's exposed collarbone.

It was freshly marked.

The conclusion was that he didn't give any type of consent being that doctors found drugs and wolfsbane in Yunho's system.

"What happened?"

Everyone looked towards the door to see Mingi standing there with crimson eyes and a backpack in his hand.

"Well your sister might get suspended and the love of your life was drugged." Ten said after rushing to cover Yunho's collarbone.

Mingi looked at him before walking over to Yunho.

"You can't hide it, the smell is so obvious." He growled before moving Yunho's hospital gown from over his collarbone.

"That should've been your mark, but shit happens." Ten shrugged.

Johnny rolled his eyes at Ten's choice of words.

The tension was strong in the room, breathing was almost impossible.

"Do you want some bread?" Jaehyun suddenly asked, trying to get Mingi to somewhat calm down, but his words were ignored.

"Why are you so late anyway? This poor baby is unconscious?" Taeyong asked as he caressed Yunho's hair.

"I woke up late...." Mingi muttered.

Ten wanted to say something smart, but someone beat him too it.

"You were with Hwanwoong, right?"

Taeyong sighed in relief when he saw Yunho's eyes wide open.

"Awkward." Johnny muttered before slipping out of the room. Jaehyun was quick to follow him.

"What makes you think that?" Mingi muttered as he sat at the foot of the hospital bed.

"You and him were in the same bed before I stormed out yesterday."

There was silence surrounding the four males in the room.

"That's our cue to leave, come on." Taeyong muttered as he dragged a protesting Ten out of the room.

Yunho sighed as he licked at his dry lips.

"When I got back, Britney was waiting for me at the door. It all happened so fast, she kissed me with no warning, slipped a pill into my mouth, everything after that is a blur." He muttered, refusing to look at Mingi.

Her exact words wouldn't stop replaying in his head.

If you won't mark me, then I will mark you.

"I guess she saw the incident with Lucas. She still thinks that I'm a Beta, which is stupid."

It bothered Mingi that Yunho sounded so bland about the situation. He expected Yunho to be more angry about Britney marking him.

"So, that's it? You officially belong to her?" Mingi yelled.

Yunho covered his ears, rolling his eyes at the fact that Mingi was so mad.

He felt like Mingi had no right to be mad. He didn't know that Mingi was feeling a awful burning sensation, close to the feeling of rejection.

"This is not your problem anyway. I know how to handle this." He scoffed before ripping the tubes out of his arm, blood starting to slowly trickle down his arm.

Mingi gasped before rushing to Yunho's aid.

"I don't need your help." Yunho said before getting out of the bed.

He stumbled before using Mingi to stand up.

"I'm going to call the doctor." Mingi sighed.

Yunho shushed him as he grabbed the first aid kit that was on the wall. He quickly grabbed something to wrap his arm.

"Wrap it."

Mingi quirked an eyebrow in amusement, but complied anyway.

"What are you trying to accomplish?" He muttered as he helped Yunho.

"I'm doing what you told me to do." Yunho said with a weak smile.

Mingi frowned as he looked at how weak Yunho looked. His skin didn't have its natural glow while his eyes looked dead.

"I'm sorting out my problems."

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