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Yunho bit into his pillow to prevent himself from screaming in frustration.

What exactly was he?

Sexually Frustrated.

"Why are you biting my pillow?" Mingi muttered as he walked into his own bedroom.

He saw Yunho sprawled out in a onesie, screaming into a pillow.

"Leave me alone, I'm sexually frustrated."

Mingi blinked a few times before responding in the most logical way he thought was right.

"Well, Hi Sexually Frustrated. My name is Mingi!"

Yunho sighed as disapproval showed all over his face. He wanted something more.

He would never say it out loud, but he wanted Mingi to choke him.


He never knew the reason.

"He does have nice large hands...." Yunho muttered out loud.

Mingi looked around his room as confusion took over him.

"Who? Me?"

There was silence as Yunho covered his face in embarrassment. He honestly didn't know what exactly he wanted at that moment.

"Where were you during lunch today anyway?" Mingi asked as he walked over to his closet.

"Hanging out with Moon." Yunho muttered as he watched Mingi take off his shirt.

There was a bit of saliva daring it's self to fall from his mouth. His eyes kept watching Mingi's back, liking the way his muscles were flexing from time to time.

His thoughts were automatically cut short when he saw something a bit odd.

Multiple scratch marks.

The type that looks like someone did as a territorial act.

"Who was the last person you slept with?" He suddenly asked.

Mingi sighed before looking at Yunho.


Yunho looked furious, feeling as if he was being lied to.

"Where did those scratch marks come from?"

There was a few seconds of silence before Mingi answered.


Yunho looked pissed as he stood up from the bed. Tears pooled at his eyes as he clenched his fists. He looked determined to leave the room, but Mingi was quick enough to block the door.

"It's not what it looks like." He laughed nervously.

But Yunho wasn't hearing it.

He just wanted to leave the room.

"Move out of my way." Yunho said as he covered his eyes.

He refused to show the fact that he was crying.

"You're overthinking it." Mingi sighed as he gently grabbed Yunho's arms.

Yunho shook his head in denial as he tried to hide his face.

"I'm not overthinking this. I know exactly what happened." He said as he attempted to get out of Mingi's grasp, but he was failing at doing so.

After a few seconds of struggling to fight back his true emotions, Yunho broke down and started sobbing.

"I fixed my problems! What do I have to do now? When do I get what I want?" He sobbed as he looked down at the floor.

Tears were dropping to the floor, making a small pool.

Mingi sighed as he embraced Yunho into a tight hug.

He was in denial of what Yunho may be feeling. Pain and rejection was what Yunho was feeling, but he felt as if Yunho was possibly just mad at the fact that Mingi was even associated with Jungwoo in the first place.

It was like he knew Yunho liked him, but he denied the possibility.

"Calm down, please?"

Yunho shook his head before backing away.

"Can you just move?"

Mingi gritted his teeth before moving aside.

He watched as Yunho left the room and made his way down the hall to Moon's room.

"The bestfriend title is useless at this point." Mingi muttered before closing his bedroom door.


After a while, Mingi felt like he could finally talk to Yunho.

So doing what he thought was best, he knocked onto his sister's bedroom door.

"Come in!" Moon singed.

Mingi bit back a sigh before forcing himself to open the door.

He walked in to see Moon putting her hair into a high ponytail. She had on black jean shorts with a black laced crop top. With fishnets, she had a pair of hot pink grunge boots. A bubble jacket to match the boots was laid on her bed. It was all topped off with a fake tattoo of a pink koi fish on her waist.

"Where are you going? And the most important question is, where is Yunho?"

Moon giggled before fixing her eyeliner.

"We are going to a party Ten just told us about. Your husband is downstairs."

Mingi quirked his eyebrow as curiosity settled in him.

"Who is throwing this party.....like, isn't it a school night?"

Moon let out a nervous laugh, not really wanting to tell the truth.

"Sooooooooo.......our lovely cousin is throwing a party!"

Mingi sucked his teeth in disapproval before rushing downstairs.

He was met with something he didn't think he would see, causing him to sit on one of the sofas in the living room.

Mingi just watched as his bestfriend marched around the room.

He was infatuated with the tight black jeans that would cling to his legs, along with the oversized leather jacket the boy took from his own closet. The grunge boots hitting the ground kept him at bay, and it somewhat irritated him.

Yunho was just mesmerizing, and in Mingi's words: Irresistible and Gorgeous.

He just wanted to rip the clothes off of the anxious boy, which shocked himself.

Mingi looked at his bestfriend in a lustful manner, but never actually did anything. The events that played that night had him want to make a point though.


Yunho stopped pacing around the living room as he abruptly stopped to look at the slender boy.

"Hm? What's wrong Mingi?"

The room filled with silence as Mingi stood up.

Yunho never payed attention to Mingi's height until that moment, which somewhat scared him.

He stood there as Mingi was super close to him, waiting for the boy to state his claim.

His mind went blank as his toes curled at Mingi's words.

"Let me make you mine."

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