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Hongjoong wanted to voice out his true feelings. Like how his skin felt like it was slowly peeling from how bad the atmosphere was.

It was lunch and nobody was talking.

Yunho and Mingi were sitting directly across from each other, but neither one of them spoke to the other.

"Okay....somebody please talk! This is so agonizing!" Hongjoong cried out dramatically.

Nobody said anything.

"Okay, someone say something that will break the ice.....how about you say something, please?" He said while looking at Ten.

Ten shook his head, thinking that his words would ignite a fire.

"I'll start then. Who's favorite color is red?"

Jongho raised his hand, trying to support his boyfriend in making this situation less awkward.

"My favorite color is black. It's dark like my soul."

Ten banged his head on the table when he heard Yunho's response.

"I'm going to hell for laughing at this." Kun said before leaving the table. He did not want any part in the drama.

"I'm going to hell just for being involved in this." Yunho muttered.

"Who the fuck leaked the videos anyway?" Yeosang whined.

He wasn't really complaining since the videos were released when he was about to give a presentation in class, that he wasn't prepared for at all. The videos had everyone too distracted to even pay him any attention. He was still mad though since it was his friends that are involved.


Yunho blinked a few times before looking at Mingi.

"And he talks!" He said sarcastically.

"Before either of you start a petty argument, just know that this can be handled after Saturday." Ten yelled as he put a hand over both of their mouths.

Yunho rolled his eyes while Mingi looked confused.

"If you're referencing towards this party at Britney's house, I'm not going." He said after removing Ten's hand from over his mouth.

"That's great! Less distractions!" Yunho muttered coldly.

Mingi looked real offended by his words.

"Distraction? Me? Have you been doing drugs?"

Ten coughed violently before putting his hands up.

"I can't handle this conversation." He said before leaving the table.

"Wait- What?" San muttered.

"If you mean involuntarily, yes." Yunho said with a fake smile.

Mingi bit his lip before looking away from Yunho. He knew he was on thin ice, but he was too stubborn to even take that into consideration. It was like he was purposely running instead of taking cautious steps.

"Why is Britney not in jail?" Wooyoung muttered while stabbing at the food at his plate. His appetite was not siding with food at the moment.

"I'm not pressing charges."

Mingi slammed his fists on the table in pure anger.

"Before you even think of saying anything, I want you to go meditate in that same janitor's closet you and Jungwoo fucked in." Yunho said calmly.

"This bitch has no heart, but balls." Seonghwa muttered.

"It was a mistake." Mingi yelled. He was slowly grasping everyone's attention in the cafeteria.

"Mistake my ass. Jungwoo is nothing but a lousy Omega that has no power."

"Like you're the one to talk." Mingi scoffed.

"Exactly, I can say that because I'm just like him." Yunho shrugged.

"This went from a argument to Yunho degrading himself, what is the point of life?" Hongjoong sighed.

"This is why I hate people!" Ten muttered as he walked back to the table, only to take Yeosang's drink and leave again.

Yeosang shrugged before taking Seonghwa's drink.


Posted this small chapter since I won't have time to write today.

I'm going to a Art Show❤️

Sincerely, OhDaddyKun🤠❤️

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