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Yunho stopped going through his locker and looked at the person who was disturbing him.

"Yes Moon?" He grumbled before slamming his locker shut.

"Okay, I just want you to tell me one thing." She pleaded with a soft smile.

"Which is?"

"You would still give Mingi a second chance."

Yunho sighed before walking off, making Moon trail behind him.

"I can't be mad. He had sex with Jungwoo once, while I've had sex with Britney plenty of times. At this point, sex is sex." He shrugged.

"Sex is sex? That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard come out your mouth! The Yunho I know would never say such things! He would say that sex is not meant for anyone except for individuals who are in love with their partner or partners!"

Yunho shook his head as a weak smile crawled onto his face.

"Well I'm sorry, but the old Yunho can't come to the phone right now! Why?! Because he is dead!" He said in a forced enthusiastic voice.

"You're full of shit." Moon muttered angrily.

"Shit is my middle name." Yunho chirped.

Moon wanted to yell at Yunho so much. She felt like she couldn't though. Her brain was telling her that maybe she doesn't know the full story.

"I'm not even going to trip anymore." She sighed.

"Thank You for coming up with that conclusion." Yunho muttered.

"Your mood swings are horrible! When is your heat?!" Moon whispered madly.

"Well, I stopped taking my meds a few days ago....so maybe in a week?"

Moon nodded, now understanding why Yunho was acting like the way he was. Grumpiness, irritation, sleepiness, and lack of motivation from Yunho was very obvious.

"Will you be co-"

"No, I'm not going to your house during my heat. I would come over, but Mingi and I aren't on good terms."

Moon gritted her teeth his frustration.

"Then where are you possibly going? You can't stay at Britney's house! She would for sure smell you." She whispered angrily.

"I know you're worried about me....but I'm okay. I'm fine."

Moon rolled her eyes, not liking the fact that Yunho was distancing himself from her.

"Everyone is going over to Wooyoung's house after school, do you wanna join us?" She said with a cute pout.

"Sure." Yunho cringed before putting his hand over Moon's mouth.

"Don't do that either." He giggled.


Moon and Yunho stood at the front door of Wooyoung's house. They arrived together since they were the last ones to leave school grounds.

"I wonder what they are doing?" Moon muttered before knocking on the door.

As soon as her fist hit the hard wooden surface, the door opened.

"They never lock the doors." Yunho scoffed before stepping into the house.

Him and Moon heard a scream, making them run towards the terrifying sound.

They both arrived to the kitchen to see Mingi on the kitchen counter with a broom in his hand while a Hell Hound stood before him.

"Bitch! Get this dog!" Mingi screamed.

"He don't bite." San giggled as he stood by the kitchen island, watching the scene in amusement.

"YES HE DO! Get your fucking dog!" Mingi screamed inhumanly.

Yunho giggled a bit, making the Hell Hound look at them.

"Shiber! Come here baby!" He called out while letting out a whistle.

Shiber ran over to him quickly and started jumping on him like any other happy dog would.

"That's not Shiber! Shiber is a small dog. This bitch is like the size of me when he stands up!" Mingi scoffed.

"The last time you saw Shiber was when he was a puppy. Shiber is not a puppy anymore. He is a full grown demon dog that likes to eat cake for dinner." Yunho giggled while rubbing Shiber's stomach.

Moon smiled a bit when she felt that there was no more actual tension between Yunho and Mingi.

"Who took a massive poop in the living room?" Hongjoong screamed.

"Shiber!" Wooyoung screamed, making San pick up his dog and run upstairs.

"When did he get here anyway?" Yunho muttered.

"San's mom dropped Shiber off earlier, saying that he was about to be eaten by the other hell hounds."

Moon gasped in shock.

"Justice for Shiber." She cried out.

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