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Moon and Yunho walked with their arms linked together.

Anybody they passed by would've thought they were a couple, but those who knew the two also knew that Yunho was Moon's baby.

Basically, that was her 'Son'.

She loved Yunho more than anything in the world.

So if anyone were to try to hurt him, she would try to kill them.

"So tell me babes, when are you and Mingi going to finally start dating?" Moon asked as they walked into their first hour.

Yunho shrugged, curious about that too.

They both took a seat at a table in the back, watching the other students file in slowly.

"Do you think Haelo ever liked me?"

Yunho frowned, wanted to know the same thing.

"I'm pretty sure she did.....but you know your own self worth, so you should know if she deserves you or not."

Moon sat their for a few seconds, processing what Yunho had just said.

"You're right. I deserve better, but I also feel like I deserve that too."

Yunho was curious about who hurt her in the past. Who made Moon feel like she didn't deserve much more better?

"I'm pretty sure you're going to meet someone who actually loves you and that will understand that you're much more than a rare Alpha Female."

Moon shrugged, doubting that someone would actually see her as Moon.

"I feel like you don't need a Omega........I feel like you need a Beta or Alpha, being that you're a true blood." Yunho suddenly suggested.

Moon didn't care anymore though. She went on countless dates with Haelo, but for some reason, she was still played in the end.

"When will people realize I'm a human and not a toy?"

Before Yunho could say anything, someone beat him to the punchline.

"Just know that I love you and that you're fucking gold!"

Moon and Yunho sat there with surprise written all over their faces.

"Well, hello to you too Britney?" Moon giggled. She found the moment amusing for some reason.

Britney winked at her before smiling at Yunho.

Moon and Yunho looked at each other after Britney walked away from their table.

"Do you mind......If I....you know....."

"No, no I don't mind." Yunho said with a big smile.

He was just as amused as Moon.

After a few minutes, everyone was there and the bell had rung.

"Where the fuck is the teacher?" Yuta could be heard asking.

Suddenly, a young man with a messy bun soon walked into the class.

"Hello, my name is Mr.Kim. No I'm not married to Mr.Kim Namjoon, but his husband winked at me on my way here."

"Sounds like something my dad would do." Seonghwa muttered, causing Yeosang to giggle a bit.

"Anyway, my name is Kim Heechul. I am a temporary substitute until your principal finds a new teacher." Heechul said with a sarcastic smile.

Yunho didn't know if he wanted to laugh or not.

"I've seen you before!" Wooyoung suddenly shouted out.

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