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*This is the sequel to Sweet Love of War. Make sure to read that before this so you know what's happening. — Stef1981 & SherriPolo4evr

It had been ten years, almost eleven since Stef Foster and Lena Adams and seen or spoken to each other. Time had simply slipped away as it was now 1979, and before either of them knew it they had moved on with their own lives pushing that heated summer of love to the back of their brains. Did Lena think of Stef? Yes, she did and Stef thought of Lena on many nights as she laid next to her nine year old daughter, Callie. Julius had encouraged them to write each other, but something kept preventing them from even mailing the letters.

Lena now lived in San Diego with her two children: Francesca, eight and Corey, six, and Will had left her a year after she had Corey due to not being able to cope with life in general. They had inherited money from Will's late grandfather, Thomas Adams, along with his house, yet when Will filed for divorce, he insisted on giving everything to Lena and the kids.

Lena was heart broken beyond words even if her life with Will was rocky at best. He had ended up losing his leg, and his depression and severe PTSD was severe to say the least. There were moments when things seemed to be getting better, but in the end, he wasn't able to cope. He feared he'd hurt her and the kids, and he knew that emotionally, he had. So, one spring morning in 1974, he packed one bag and left her a note, leaving before she was awake.

It had been five years now since they heard from him, and Lena eventually realized she needed to make a life for her and her kids, almost immediately leaving for San Bernardino to stay with Gary and Marty. Much to her parents disapproval of moving their grandchildren across the country, Lena's dad accepted this, promising to watch over the house which she didn't know what to do with at the time.

Applying for assistance, Lena was finally accepted into SDU, and her dad insisted on helping financially even though she disapproved, working in Julius' bakery in the evenings. Both Julius and Ryan helped Lena with her kids, and Frankie and Corey always knew them as their uncles as well as Jillian and Sandra as their aunts. Lena was well taken care of, but the giant hole in her soul was huge. Both Julius and Ryan respected her in regards to Stef even though they kept in contact with her, and she knew nothing of her whereabouts or what was happening in her life.



"Mother! I told Corey no more popsicles! He's gonna be sick!"

"Oh, darling, you're much too strict. Let the boy live a little! It's 95 degrees out for God's sake!"

"It is NOT 95 degrees! It's only May! You're just wanting to spoil him half to death, and I'll knock on your door tonight when he won't sleep but jumps up and down on the bed and is wild and crazy!"

"Honey, come. Sit," Dana pats the seat next to her on the massive porch swing, and I oblige.

"I'm not a little girl anymore. You can't just smooth things over."

"Oh! Nonsense! And why are you so uptight? You've been insistent on paying us back for your college, but it's an insult, darling! Your father and I saved for this, and it doesn't matter that you didn't go right out of high school. And now? Are you seeing anybody? Any boyfriends? Or girlfriends?" She whispers the last part as if it's a secret. I had told my parents everything, including Stef, right after Will left me, unable to hold in the massive grief within my heart.

I knew that I was different ever since I met Stef, but I was unable to look at any other woman since. While attending college, I had talked to a few guys, including a guy named John who I slept with a handful of times, but nothing ever came of it. He never even met my kids, for I was very protective of them.

"No, Mother! I'm fine! Why do I need a..a partner to be happy?"

She takes my hand and squeezes it. "You don't, baby, but it really helps to have someone help carry the load. What ever happened to Stefanie?"

At the mention of her name, I stiffen and look away over the water that has always brought me much calm. "I have no idea. I lost all contact."

"But you said you loved her? I'm so confused, darling. I never pushed you before, but a mother knows when her daughter's heart is broken, sweetheart. She can feel it in her soul."

I look at her and shrug. "I grew up? I'm a mother? I have no feelings for her anymore. None."

"Well, I just hope you don't close your heart off from love, my baby. You deserve love. Everyone does."

Silence drowns out everything for a few moments as I eventually lay my head on her shoulder, and rock the swing back and forth as we watch Frankie and Corey jump up and down in the tiny sprinkler in the yard. I was happy to be home if even for a visit, and I know that the kids are in very capable hands for the next two weeks as Julius surprised me at my graduation saying he was taking me to New York City as his present to me.

"Mama! Mama! Granddaddy wants to take us on the boat! PLEASE!!!!!!!" Frankie shouts, and I sit up and smile.

"Calm down, baby. Come here."

She runs over to me, bare feet and pink bathing suit. I run my hands over her wet arms. "You need to change first. And you HAVE to wear the hat I bought you. No questions."

"But I hate it!" She folds her arms and pouts.

"Francesca! Wear the hat or don't go! I won't have you burning half to death on that boat!"

She glares at me as Corey soon joins her and stomps on her foot. "Corey!" She shoves him off, and he giggles and stomps again.


"Corey Adams!" I jump to my feet as my mother steps in.

"Come, Frankie and Corey. You, two, need to stop acting like a circus act. Let's go get dried off and changed."

"But do I have to wear my hat, Nanny? I hate it!"

"Well, you don't have to, baby. But I'm sure you could use a nap instead."

"No! No! I'll wear it! I will! I don't wanna take a nap!"

I sigh as I sink back on to the swing. Maybe my mom was right. Maybe having someone to help raise my kids would be easier. Maybe I should think of moving back home and making a life here after all.

Unforgotten Love - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now