End of the Bonfire

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"Not once!! Not once did you tell me! ¡Ni una sola vez! I asked you many, many times Stefanie!! You wanted to marry her?? Run off!? That you did not tell me. And, who is the third woman? ¿Con quién más dormiste?Tess?"


"No me hables!!! No me hables Stefanie! Estoy enojado contigo!! You love her? Huh? Do you love Lena? ¿Vos si?"

"No!! Baby, no I do not love Lena. At one point yes I did. A decade ago but I love you my love. You are who I want to be with, you are who I want to marry and..

"No mientas!!! Dont you lie to me!!"

"Lu,..No estoy mintiendo bebe. I am not lying my love. I swear to you. I don't love her anymore."

¿Por qué me ocultaste esto?!! Huh? Why did you keep this from me?! Why did you NOT tell me Stefanie?"

"Lu! Babylove l...I was going to. I....

"Cuando?! Huh! When! When were you going to tell me!? ¿Cuándo me lo dirías? ¿Mañana? ¿El próximo año? And Tess? You bring me here with two women you slept with? Por qué

"Honey no..I was going to tell you I.." The blonde says gently trying to grab her girlfriends hand. "And I brought you here because I wanted to take you somewhere.  Tess and I..

¡Cállate! Te dije que no me hablaras!! Don't talk me at all." Luisa screams pulling away from Stef heading into the home. The blonde can only sigh as she runs her fingers through her hair feeling so angry that she had no words right now. None.

"I'm going to go home. Thanks um..thanks for the um interesting evening." John says walking off for he had no idea what to think and was partly turned off from Lena. She dated Stef?

"Jesus lord this is just a stinkin hot mess! Let me go find Queen Loco!" Julius says feeling his head ready to explode as Stef glares at him.

"Why!? You think this shit is funny anyway!!" She screams.

"What? No i don't Stef."

"Oh please! You do!! Apparently you seem to live for shit like this!  Especially when it comes to me and Lena. I saw you laughing instead of trying to stop her and you only instigated it and sat back and watched like it was some soap opera to you. Maybe that's all we are and ever will be to you! Huh! We provide what a cheap laugh? And what do you get a cheap chuckle out of our expense. Seeing Lena making a fool of herself and calling my girlfriend rude names. You think I didn't overhear huh? I heard you!"

"Stef baby no...I

"No. Fuck you! You and I are done and I'm sorry we ever came! Some friend you are!" Storming off the cop was so done with Julius right now she didn't know what to say or think. Lena had lost her ever loving mind and the blonde was really tired of her antics as well. She had hoped they could act like adults and she thought they were friends. Clearly that was not the case and Stef was realizing she was partly to blame too.  The blonde had a feeling Lena still felt deeply for her or did she? But she no longer felt that way about her and had not in years. She couldn't. She couldn't do that to herself ever again if it didn't work out for losing Lena had taken her to the darkest place ever. And she did not want to return there.

Right now she had to try to explain things to Luisa and why she had not told her everything. It would cause her to dig deep and go to that place she didn't want to. But if she was going to save her relationship with this woman she had no choice. And Lena? Man, she would most certainly rip into her later.



"What the hell, Tess! Why are we out front? I want to be out back with everyone else!" I try to push past her with no luck.

Tess barricades me from even trying to go back as she holds up her hands. "Let's take a breath, okay? Deep breaths, Lena. This isn't you at all. It's just not. No, this isn't my best friend."

"How would you know? Huh? You're the one who fucked my wife!" I yell, tears now running down my face.

"Okay, okay, calm down, Lena. This isn't you. I know it isn't because the Lena I know and love doesn't lash out, and she forgave me for it." She tries to pull me so we can sit on the front porch, but I'm not having it.

"Just stop! You don't know me! Nor have you ever if you believe that...that shit! I don't forgive you! I don't!" I yell and cry, my nose now running as I bawl like a baby. I know deep down I do forgive Tess. I have and do, but all of the pain and suffering through the years has caught up to me big time. I'm angry with Stef for loving someone else and giving up on us. I'm furious at her for bringing Luisa because truth be told, I wanted to win her back. The way my life is going isn't all fun and games. I'm lonely and miserable, and the only thing keeping me together is my two beautiful babies.

"Lena...please, come here. Please," Tess begs softly as she reaches out for me once more, and this time I take her soft hand as she guides me to the porch before wrapping her arms fully around me. "Shhhhh, Lena, baby...shhhhh," she tries to console me as I sob hysterically.

"I love her! I do! I can't do this life without her! Tess! Please! Help me! Will left me, and so did she!" My gut wrenching sobs can be heard loud and clear as Julius soon finds us.

"Do I need to call an ambulance? Get a tranquilizer? What, Tess? I've never seen her like this! What is happening?" The nervous man begins pacing as I sob like a fool.

"I'm sorry! I am! I fucked everything up! What's wrong with me?" I wipe my eyes but can't stop crying.

"I think she got into Gary and. Marty's brownies," Tess whispers above my head.

"Brownies?" I suddenly remember and begin crying even harder.

"Oh dear! Someone start a bath and put my lavender salts in it! This isn't good. I hope we can keep Ice Queen away! Good lord! This is a disaster! What if Luisa pulls a gun on her? Oh my god! What are we gonna do?" Julius throws up his hands in dismay, talking a mile a minute.

"I'll get her inside, you start the bath," Tess motions to the house as John walks around front, his hands in his pockets.

Julius runs up to him to stop him from nearing us, wanting to protect me from further hurt as Tess guides me inside. Everything is spinning, and I see three or four Johns as I continue to cry softly.

"Please, John. This isn't Lena, and I don't know how much you know, but this isn't her. She ate pot brownies, and well, she needs to stay away from that stuff because she doesn't stop talking. She's been through hell. So, please don't hurt her!" Julius' anxiousness shows as he tries to reason with him.

John looks down as he sighs. "I don't know what's going on, Julius, but I know she's hurt. I didn't know she dated Stef.  I just...didn't. I guess I don't know a damn thing like I thought. Maybe I shouldn't have pushed her to be my girlfriend. She was always so happy until she told me she'd be my girlfriend, and I knew it. I just wanted it so badly that I didn't talk to her more...Just tell her to call me if she's interested. I don't want to hear from her if she's not. I gotta go."

"She...she loves Stef. Always has, but she never let me meet you..."

"Do you know why?" John laughs cynically now as he looks toward the front door. "She won't even let me meet her kids! It's like she's embarrassed or something."

"Oh, baby, she's not. She's been to hell and back over the past ten years, and if I'm honest with you? Losing Stef and Will really did a number on her, and I'm not trying to get you to break it off, but you're setting yourself up for a world of heartbreak if you stay with her." Julius rattles on to the man.

John takes a deep breath as he looks Julius in the eyes. "I love her. I can't help it. Just...have her call me if she wants. If I never hear from her, I'll leave her alone. She deserves happiness."

Julius nods knowing he opened his mouth wider than he should have, but he also knows that the love between both Stef and Lena wasn't dead nor would it really ever be. Now to get Stef to admit that would be a whole other ballgame.

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