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"Oh, honey! Why are we here? I mean, I told you to stop straightening your beautiful curls, and yet here you are, as stubborn as they come sitting in this seat!"

We arrived in New York City last night, and I hadn't told him until this morning that I had already booked an appointment for this morning ahead of time. I hadn't been to a salon in a couple of weeks, and I wanted to feel beautiful on this trip. "Listen, do I get on to you for shaving your damn head? No? Okay, then! Hush!" I tease, and he rolls his eyes.

"Mama, I'm telling you, I've missed those curls for years now, and I've kept my damn mouth shut for all of these years, but you're taking over our trip here." He picks up a magazine and begins flipping through it as I sit under the dryer.

"What's on the agenda for today? Did I really ruin this morning's plans?"

"Nah. But I had the morning off for us," he admits and I laugh.

"So, we'd be lazy in our hotel then? And when is Ryan joining us?"

He looks at me over his glasses, "Baby, you're losing your damn mind. I told you three times already he'll be here tomorrow. We have to go pick him up at the airport."

"You did not! Just because you think it doesn't mean you said it out loud!"

"Queen Mocha, you are fried! We're going to Liberty Island after lunch, so I hope this whole straightening thing is worth it to you since we're going over on a ferry, and the water and wind will ruin it!"

I laugh, "That's fine! I have a floppy hat! Duhhh!"

"Oh, girl! You and your hats! You are too much!"

I toss a magazine at him as he laughs, and within the next half hour, my hair is done and we head to catch a taxi to take us down where the ferry will take us to see the Statue of Liberty then on to Ellis Island. I'm beyond excited as I have never been to this particular city in my life, and as we head towards the dock, multiple people try to stop us to sell us watches or bracelets and some even tried to sell me a purse or two which I politely declined.

As we board the ferry, Julius claps his hands in glee! "You are gonna LOVEEEEE this, my Mocha Queen!"

"You've been saying that since we drove into the city last night, silly goose! I can feel your excitement!" I laugh as I stand by the railing and hold my hat as the breeze threatens to blow it off.

"Because it's true! And I forgot to tell you, but tomorrow night? Ryan and I are taking you out on the town! Drinks, dinner and a play!"

"Seriously! You guys didn't have to do all of this for me! I'm content to just sight see and eat McDonald's!"

"Oh, puh-lease! Really? A greasy burger and fries?"

"Hey! You're the one who introduced me to it in the first place, remember? The concert?" As soon as I say this, my stomach twists because I didn't mean to remember at all. I didn't mean to remember that concert and what it meant for me or the person who I eventually fell out of love with.

"Yes! Speaking of, why the hell are you sleeping with John?"

"Huh?" I blush as the ferry takes off towards Liberty Island.

"Oh, don't huh me, girl. You know what I'm talking about...over there sneaking a quick fuck with him. Do you even like him like that?"


"I'm being serious! It's time you actually are with someone you want to BE with instead of fucking all these guys!"

"All these guys? Are you being real right now, Julius? I have not slept around at all. I'm a grown woman with needs, okay, but I also have kids to think about as well. And I don't need no one in my life for the long haul."

"But guys? Really? Why not a woman?"

I am quickly becoming agitated, but I know he means well, and I try to take it down a notch. "Julius, I know you care, okay? But women are not for me, period. And I have nothing against lesbians or gays. Not at all. You know I'm friends with you all, and you're my best friends at that! But it's just not for me. I..I never have been into women."

"You keep lying to yourself there, sweetheart. Keep lying away because I happen to remember one woman who you couldn't get enough of and who you cried over for years."


I am interrupted by the fog horn blowing over my voice as we dock, and I can feel my throat constricting. What the hell? Why is he bringing her up right now of all times? He's never ever pushed me since her? So why now? Is it because I just turned 30? Or because I'm graduated and almost finished with my education? I have no idea, but I want to forget her forever.


New York City, the city that never sleeps, was everything and more to me right now. I had worked nonstop for the past five years between moving my children out to California and applying and being accepted into college. I never took a vacation even though I did take the time to take my kids down to the beach as much as possible amongst taking them for swimming and surfing lessons. But as Julius said, all of that didn't count.

"So China town it is for the win!" he grins at me as we walk down the crowded street headed that way.

"Well, I think I've only had Chinese food a handful of times, and each time is better than the last," I laugh as he grabs my hand and kisses it before bowing which makes me laugh even more.

"Well, you're in for a giant treat!"

I giggle some more as a strong smell of seafood hits my senses reminding me of being out with my father on his boat. I smile as I take in the sights and smells and even though it was dirtier than I would have liked, I was beginning to slowly relax. Ryan would be here tomorrow, and I'd get to dress up for this dinner and play.

Julius stops to ask a question of one of the vendors on the sidewalk, and I watch the traffic as it's continuously busy as well as the foot traffic. I loved being here, sure, but to live here would be a nightmare.

"But where do I get calamari? Cal-a-mar-i!!!!!" He pronounces slowly, and I laugh as a familiar looking woman gets out of her police cruiser. I gasp softly, then shake my head. I'm seeing things for sure. Her back is to me now as her partner and her walk over to get some food, but I can't help staring as I try to see if she has blonde hair under that big black hat.

"Earth to Lena!" Julius tugs on my arm, and I'm thankful because I'm losing my ever loving mind right now.

Unforgotten Love - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now