Broken Ties

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"What in the be-Jesus happened!" Julius says walking into my room as I begin packing up for me and the kids. After that fight with Stef I was so done and had nothing left to say at all.  I was so over her and everything about her. "Stef came running inside slamming doors, cursing! What in the hell happened out there?!"

"Nothing!" I scream throwing random things into my luggage, not paying attention to any of it.

"Clearly it's not nothing! I thought you both went outside to have a civil talk. And why are you packing?! Where are you going now, mama! Where? You can't stay in the apartment at the bakery. No no no!"

"I am leaving Julius! No way am I staying in THIS house with HER. We are done. We are not friends,  or acquaintances, NOTHING!  And I can't stand her and I have nothing to say to that women. Ever! In fact, I don't even know her! Do you know her? Is that the same Stef Foster we met on base? No!"

"Ok that's dramatic, a bit but you can't keep running every time, Mocha! Why do you run? To where? Do you plan on running from Stef for the rest of your life?"

"Listen, I'm not running. But I can't stay here with my kids and with that woman and her wife for five days. I can't. And..."

"Whoaa. Whoa...back up. Back up, honey. Wife? What wife? Who's wife?"

"Oh you didn't know? Yeah she wants to marry that...La Nina! or whatever she is! I mean it's whatever, I don't really care. I'm a grown woman, I'm mature and I..."

"And you soooo do care! You care so much you can't see straight! But I wouldn't worry Stef's not going to marry her. It's not legal anyway!"

"Julius, she can do what she wants. And do me a favor don't mention her to me ever again. She's done out of my life. For good."

"OYYY VEY!! I don't get why you two argue like children! It's crazy to me! You make my head spin! Like are you a hormonal teenager? Get! It! Together! Queen! Mocha!" He claps his hands for emphasis now as I feel the anger burning my chest.

"Get what together? Huh? I'm DONE, Julius! FINISHED! I don't ever want to see that woman again in LIFE!" I scream as I toss my pillow in my open bag which he snatches out as fast as it hits it.

"No! You're not running! You're not! I won't let you! Stop!" He tosses my pillow on the bed, and I jump to grab it as he grabs my wrists.

"Get off of me! I'm done, Julius!" I cry now as we begin wrestling, but he wins as I finally give up and cry my eyes out in his chest.

"Shhhhh, my Queen," he tries to console me, and I am so angry I can't think straight. I've never been this angry in my life, and I don't know what to do with any of it. I finally stop crying and roll onto my back on my bed as he does beside me. Taking my hand, he squeezes it. "You know I love you, right? Cuz I do."

I nod as I sniffle and squeeze his hand. "And I love you. I don't know what to do. I just don't. I can't see her. You know this, right? Like I need to never see her again in life..."

"Your kids are watching you, and you know, they will see you run and run and run and run, and do you want Frankie and Corey running from their issues? I know you're better than this, Lena."

He uses my name which he rarely does, and I look over at him and smile sadly. "I know. I'll just suck it up. But, please, keep her busy, and I'll go about my own life."

"Yes, my Queen. Promise."



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