Unforgotten Love

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We continue to sip our coffees as the whiskey begins to relax us, both, something I knew I definitely needed to happen after everything that had taken place, including the news of Luisa. "So, she's a player, huh? What did she do to you? Hurt you? Mm?"

"No. She's just who she is Stef. It's ok."

"Ya? Because I need her number if that's the case."

"Ummm, no...it's okay, Stef. I chose her because she flattered me, and she wined and dined me. And if I'm completely honest with you? She just reminded me of you," Lena admits which shocks me and makes me laugh again. But wait, I'm a player?

"Wait so I'm a player?" I joke as she shakes her head.

"No, silly goose. Not that part of her. Other parts."

"Ahhh, I'm not so sure you'd ever be happy with me anyway, Lena..."

"No! I know what you're gonna say, and I'm very respectful this time about your girlfriend, Luisa. I was such an ass to you, both! I really was! I want to apologize again as well. My behavior was unacceptable Stef. I'm really sorry."

I look down at my cup as I try to steady my emotions. But it was hard especially since it just happened and the fact, I had made a fool of myself nearly begging Luisa to let me take care of her and Jesus. "She's leaving anyway. We are...were on a break, and she just told me tonight actually that she's headed back to the Dominican for some family business." I can't bring myself to voice the fact she had a son and I just found out. "So that's that, I guess. I mean, I don't know," I shrug as I slowly meet her eyes in time to see the sadness and remorse in her eyes. "I mean whatever."

"Stef, I never wanted you to not be happy. You deserve happiness, and I saw how she made you happy. I really did and I know you love her. Do you think she'll be back, though? I mean, I know you said that she doesn't know when, but you don't really think she'd stay forever, do you? Especially since you're getting married."

"Oh god, I hope not. I mean I don't know but a break is a break, and I kinda went against the rules of the break and brought her a Christmas gift tonight. Maybe this will push me to really focus more on myself and Callie. Since I can't seem to do that"

"Why are you so hard on yourself? You act as if you're this horrible person who doesn't deserve her, Stef. But you're not. You deserve her. You really do and you are fighting for both of them. And not to mention you are a bad ass! You're a cop, might I add, which is NOT easy and rasing a daughter alone. I can barely keep up with my two kids," Lena grabs the whiskey and takes a swig before handing it to me as I do the same.

"Is that the whiskey talking, babe?" I laugh as I wipe my mouth and pull out another cigarette, and this time, she grabs my pack and grabs one for herself.

"Nope. I mean it. You do deserve Luisa and Callie. All of it. Stef, I was super selfish. Like really selfish! I lead John along as well, and I have been a giant mess for way too long." She lights her cigarette, and I watch her puff hers almost in awe. That or I am getting drunk.

"Hey, I didn't know you smoked, Len," I smirk as I puff my own.

"I try not to in front of my kids, but I've been a bundle of nerves lately. I just...well California was crazy. I mean when you came and I feel bad about the bonfire. I should not have said those things."

"Looking back at it now I can laugh. Lena, pot is not your friend!"

"Oh I know! Never again!" She says laughing as I do the same. "Like ever!!"

"But you didn't lie. You did take my lesbian virginity. That's for sure."

"Goodness! What a crazy thing I said."

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