Little Home

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"Thank you for helping, Tess! You have no idea how much this means to me," I smile as I shove my pillow in a fresh pillow case.

"You know I wouldn't leave you high and dry, silly! Remember when you insisted on buying that new bed? And it took us two weeks to get it together?"

"Yes! And I told you that instructions aren't for our health, but noooooo, you said you knew how it went together!"

"Hey, now! In my defense, I did put together mine and Jerry's bed all by myself with no issue!"

"Ha! Well, you did keep me company, and plus, we made good memories." I smile as I begin placing my clothes on hangers. "Speaking of, how are things with you and Jerry these days?"

"Very well, actually! He met Stefanie a few weeks ago. I just didn't get to tell you."

"How did that go?"

"She fell in love with him almost immediately because they have so much in common, and I've never seen her talk someone's head off like that besides Stef..." She stops and clasps her hand over her mouth as she says her name, and I laugh softly.

"You can say her name, Tess. I'm not going to combust. I know you, two, are really good friends."

"It's just so easy to forget..."

"Stahhhhp!" I toss a hanger to her, and she catches it.

"Okay! Okay! But how is Charlotte?"

I turn around and hang some shirts in the closet. "I mean...we're not a thing actually. Never really were."

"Wait, what? What happened?"

I sigh as I sit on the edge of my bed. "She's so damn confusing! She wined and dined me, got me in her bed, four times actually, and each time, the very next day? She was as cold as ice to me. She was annoyed with me for showing up to one of her classes with her favorite coffee. And the one time, I saw her in the library with another girl, all up on her. So, I confronted her, privately, of course, and she was defensive. She said me and her weren't an item, and that I had things mixed up in my head. We actually argued, and right when I decided never to see her again? Guess what happened?"

"Let me guess. She apologized?" Tess shoves a handful of socks in my top drawer.

"Worse! She bought me this paint set I've wanted for so long and told me she was an ass! Then she took me to The Avenue for steak and lobster, and you know how much I love my lobster! Next thing I know? She's fucking me all night long!"

"Woahhh, that sounds pretty intense to me, Lena. Let me meet this fool! I'll stare her down and hard! She'll ask me if I have a problem, and I'll tell her that it's her! Just let me once, Lena! One time! You know I have your back!"

I laugh as I stand and walk over to her, placing my hands on her arms. "Yes, you always have, Tess, and I'll never forget any of it. You've been very good friend to me, much more than I deserve."

She laughs as she grabs my hand. "I don't know about all that. I have done some pretty fucked up know."

I lean in and kiss her cheek. "Let's not get depressed, sweetie. Why don't I put on some records? A dance party sounds good, huh?"

She laughs as she kisses my cheek back. "Definitely! Let's get this party started!"


"I'm happy I don't have to share a room with poopy face anymore!" Little Frankie said as she was helping Stefanie with chores. It had been some time since the two hung out especially since Callie left and since Lena had moved and it was something Frankie missed since she really looked up to the older girl.

Unforgotten Love - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now