Let's Talk

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"Mama! Did I get any mail? Did you miss any?" I hear Callie ask as I'm in the bedroom getting ready for work. "I mailed four postcards to Queen Mocha and she hasn't written me anything since before we went visit. Is she mad at me?"

"Nooo. Definitely not baby. She moved honey and I'm sure you will hear from her." I lie and she looks at me rather disappointed. Right now I was being unfair to my daughter and I knew that but Lena was gone, and out of my life even if I had become friends with Will whom I almost found a place for him to stay. Buttoning my uniform shirt Callie takes a seat on the bed as I put my badge on.

"When can we get their new address? I can ask Stefanie! We wrote so many letters Mama, and she's my best friend."

"Oh yeah? I know she is, my love. She's a sweet girl."

"She is. Not like Frankie." She says shaking her head as I let out an amused laugh.

"Frankie? What's wrong with Frankie, baby?"

"She's rude. She was so rude to you and Luisa. I don't really like her. But I feel bad because Queen Mocha I loveeee!"

"Frankie's little, sweetheart. She lost her dad and sometimes that takes a toll."

"Mama, it's not excuse to be rude. Stefanie never met her daddy, and she's not rude."

"Yeah I know baby, but Frankie is younger, and everyone is different. She won't always be a handful. Deep down she's probably a sweet kid. Corey is sweet, yes?"

"Yes! He's cool! He wants to see New York too!"

"Oh yeah? Well, one day he can."

"Will they visit too? With Queen Mocha?" She asks as I tighten my belt and take a seat beside her.

"Maybe one day, love."



"You and Daddy aren't going to ever live together again, right?" With this question I look right into her innocent eyes as I gently grab her hand.

"No, baby, we aren't. Daddy and I...ummm...we both love you, but we don't get along very well."

"Like you and Luisa?"


"Like you and Luisa? She's your girlfriend, right? I wasn't being nosy, but I saw you kiss her on the lips. Like you used to kiss Daddy."

"Come here." Grabbing her hands she stands between my legs as she continues to look at me for this was a touchy subject. Very because I knew me being gay was going to be a very big issue in court and how Mike found out I didn't know. But I'd have to lie. I would, and could kick myself for not being more careful right now.

"Sweets, me and Luisa are just friends. Best friends."

"Oh! Then why did you kiss her?"

"Oh, we were just being silly! That's all! But ummm...you have your stuff for school, yes?"

"I do!"

"Ok, go get it together so I can drop you at Mariana's."

"Ok, mama." Running off I let out a sigh for I didn't know what to do. What could I tell my nine year old daughter. What?


"Yeah, love?"

"Are you a faggot?"



"I'm not a total asshole, Julius. I heard you and Tess talking. I didn't know it got so bad with Mike or Stef."

Unforgotten Love - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now