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"Tess, as long as Jerry treats you right and has gotten the help he needs I am fine with it. But if he starts his shit I will come after him." The blonde says as her and Tess were having their morning coffee. Her, Callie and Luisa were set to leave in a few hours and with everything going on she didn't have much time to talk to her friend. Since finding out Jerry appeared back in her friend's life Stef wanted to make sure she had the entire story and that Tess was making a good decision. Was she worried? Of course because she wanted the best for her friend and her little goddaughter.

"He has been and I have no plans to marry him again or anything, Stef. But we had coffee a few times and spoke and he wants to get to know Stefanie. He's not angry I didn't tell him about her. In fact, he said he understands why I didn't and that it took him years to get his head straight. It's not an excuse but the war messed him up badly, Stef. He was never a violent man before that."

"I know love. It messed many people up. So what kind of help did he get and what job does he have? Where is he living?" She asked as she lit a cigarette and shared it with her friend. Stef couldn't help it for she would always be very protective of Tess and her daughter no matter what. 

"Well he works in the movie industry actually. Not as an actor or anything but he's doing well. That doesn't mean anything because I plan on staying here and earning my own money at the bakery. I don't want to be tied to him, and Stefanie and I are building our own life. But...he does want to meet her."

"I'm sure he does. Have you spoken to her about him? MM?"

"No. I'm not sure how to even approach that. Stef, he did a lot of damage to me."

"I know he did, honey." She said gently resting her hand on top of her friend's.

"I mean real damage. Mentally, physically, verbally. It took me years to feel ok. And I still struggle."

"Did he do things to you, you never told me about?"

"No. I told you everything. But, you helped me alot in terms of leaving him and finding a place to stay and just being ok. I had a lot of wild ideas when I was pregnant with her. Even after." She laughed rather bashfully as Stef smiled curiously.

"Yeah? Like what?"

"After we didn't hear from Lena and everything I just thought about us living together. Not, you know, not as a couple but you just always made me feel safe and like life was ok. I was heartbroken when you moved to New York."

"Oh, love. I know you were and I'm sorry I left."

"No. No, don't be sorry. You were married and like I said it was crazy."

"No, it wasn't. I thought about moving in with you many times. Even when I was pregnant and after. And no not as a couple per say but as close friends helping each other." Smiling at the darker skinned woman Stef took a puff of her cigarette as Tess glanced over smiling. "What?"

"Maybe that had been a bad idea."

"Why so?"

"Well, I had a crush on you. A big one. It's hard not to feel how I did. And I feel like an idiot. Oh my god...did I just admit that to you?" Covering her face from embarrassment Stef could only smile as she grabbed the woman's hand.

"Nooo! Don't feel like an idiot Tess. It's ok love. Look ,honey, you and I have been there for each other. You really were there for me when I moved and you were the only person who knew what was really going on with me. Our friendship is nothing but full of love and support. I can't help but be protective of you and Stefanie because I love you both so much. I did want to move in with you and help you. I did, and...maybe I had crush too."

Unforgotten Love - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now