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"My word child!! The entire room is flooded! As in flooded! Do you know the damage there is! Do you! When I tell your Mama what you did she is going to wail your little butt!" The three hear Julius scream as Lena's daughter's eyes bug out. The blonde was almost frozen for she couldn't believe how much she looked like her mother. Big time but what in the hell was she doing here? Shit did she live here or was she just visiting?

Callie looks at up at her mother and Luisa as she is confused. "What happened Mama?" 

"I didn't do anything Uncle Julius! I only cleaned Stefanie's shirt! But Ice Queen is here and Callie and Chiquita Banana!"Frankie yells back at her uncle.

"Who?" Callie asks completely lost as the blonde knew damm well who Frankie got that from as Luisa glances to her girlfriend. Luisa wasn't dumb and knew it was a reference to her, and Stef could only bite her tongue out of annoyance. Already she was pissed as Julius ran to the door completely flustered and wet from the mess Frankie made.

"Go! Go, on little miss home destroyer before I wack your tail!" He says slapping her butt with the wet towel as she runs off. " And look it's our guests!! Please come in all of you!! Hugs please!! " Ushering the three in he can't help but squeal at the site of Callie. " And look at you Callie!! You got soo big my little bambino!!"

"Hi Uncle Julius!!" Callie screams back wrapping her arms around Julius neck as he bends down to hug her warmly. It was true he loved this little girl and was happy Stef brought her. But he was NOT happy to see Luisa by any means for he simply did not care for her and was pissed Stef sprung her on at the last minute. Still he couldn't be too angry for the blonde also came to help investigate the bakery incident that really threw them all for a loop and left them all heartbroken.

"So nice to see you babygirl!! Listen your little cousins are in deep, deep trouble and wreaking complete havoc but you may go hang with Frankie, Corey and Stefanie."

"Ok! Mama is it ok?"

"Sure baby go on." Watching her run off Julius stands back up as he meets Stef's cold icy glare, but engulfs her in a giant hug.

"So nice to see you again Stef!!! I've missed you so much baby!!! And I'm glad you are here! You too Lucy!"

"Luisa, Julius." Stef says correcting him as she grabs the woman's hand.

"Yes! Luisa! Sorry my memory is a little off today. With the bakery and everything and these blasted CHILDREN! It's crazy living with three kids. I mean little Stefanie is no problem but Lena's children will give you a run for your money. Especially Frankie."

"I'm sorry what? What do you mean living? They live here? Lena's kids?" Stef asked cutting the younger man off as they all walked into the home.

"Oh did I forget to mention that? MM I knew I forgot something."


"Ok, calm down mama! Jeez you are here for two seconds and want to rip me to shreds already. I have alot on my mind. Besides, we have plenty of room for all three of you. Luisa, honey, you can share the bunk bed with Lena's kids and Stef you and Callie can have me and Ryan's room."

At this comment the blonde grew more angry for she knew Julius better then this. He was being the rudest he ever had been and she was two seconds from snapping him in half as she looked to Luisa who was staring at the ground.

"Hey! I didn't come all the way here to have my girlfriend sleep in a bunk bed. You suggest that ever again and I will put you through that bunk bed."

"Bebe, cálmate. Está bien. It's ok my love." Luisa tries to sooth as Julius looks at them feeling a tiny bit bad.

"I was teasing! You and Luisa can have our room and Callie can bunk with little Stefanie. We will figure it out. Luisa I'm a jokester. No hard feelings honey. We are happy to have you here."

Unforgotten Love - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now