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I know that things with Charlotte have become rocky at best, and I know I should just stop seeing her even if we never decided to commit to each other. I thought I would be okay with an open relationship, but the further along I get, the more I know I just cannot be with someone and other people as well. And it makes me jealous thinking of the person I'm with being with other people besides me. It wasn't as if I planned on having a life with her but I think part of me was hoping this relationship would be different or cause me to think I could move on. Clearly that wasn't the case.

I also felt horrible for what Frankie overhead me say when I was screaming at Mike. As if it wasn't enough that I risked everything to call this man, my heart is now broken by what she asked me.

"Why didn't Daddy want us?" Frankie stands in the doorway of the kitchen, clutching her small teddy bear as tears run down her little cheeks.

I twirl around as fast as I can and make eye contact, frozen by what she just asked me. "Frankie...he...I..."

"And did you love the Ice Queen? Was she your wife?"

I can feel my stomach leaping as she asks this, and I tell myself to get it together. "Baby, come here. Come here, love," I finally motion to her. She had just had a birthday, and my little nine-year old was much smarter than I had given her credit. "Do you want a glass of milk? Cookies?"

"I'm not a baby, Mama," Frankie takes her seat as I feel overwhelmed, not knowing where to start. "But, yes, please."

I feel relief as I quickly scramble to get my daughter a plate of cookies and a glass of warm milk. "Daddy was sick. He wasn't well. He fought in a war, and as you may not remember? He had a fake leg."

"I don't. I was two when he left, you told me," she holds on to Mr. Bear for dear life, her eyes wide as she says this.

"Daddy loved you. He really did..."

"Then why did he leave? Why? I don't understand! Rebecca has a daddy and so does Abigail! Stefanie found her daddy and Callie has one too! Why is mine gone?"

I move to kneel down and cup my baby's wet face as I look in her eyes. "He...he was sick, and..."

"Take him to the doctors!" She cries as she buries her face in her bears matted fur. I begin crying as well as I scoop her up in my arms.

"Shhhh, baby. I'm so sorry. I tried. I try. I really want you to be happy, baby girl. I do, and I'm so sorry." She clings to me as she cries and I run my hand over her soft curls as I keep kissing her head. "I'm so sorry, sweetheart."

She finally pulls back and looks in my eyes as she hiccups. "And Stef? She hates us, too? Well I hate her and always will!"

I gulp as I hear these words, and I realize once and for all, I've brought nothing but pain to my own kids. And for that, tomorrow morning, I will tell Charlotte we are done.



"Do you think the living conditions your daughter has provided are adequate for Callie?" I hear the lawyer ask my father who has taken the stand to testify against me. Right now my stomach was turning and I was so angry there was nothing I could do about it. Nothing for how in the hell could my very own parents do this? How could my father and mother and not to mention three of my brothers? What in the hell did I ever do to them? Nothing. Nothing and I had tried to be a good daughter and sister my entire life. Clearly that wasn't the case but I refused to apologize for the person I was and could only hope it would not cost me my daughter.  And if this shit wasn't enough the conversion Luisa and I had earlier this morning was enough to make my head spin and I needed a drink more then anything as we decided to put our relationship on hold.

"Definitely not. Where she lives is not suitable for her or my daughter. And clearly without my son in laws income she can't provide a suitable home. My daughter has become very self involved and well rather promiscuous."

"What? Promiscuous?" I say to my lawyer as he gestures for me not to speak for this was really pissing me off as I watched my mother continue to spill lie after lie.

"I don't know what happened to her your honer but she is NOT in any position to be a full time mother. She has numerous girlfriends that I saw myself of and she is just not a positive role model. Never really was."

"What? Ma what are you even talking about?"

"And I always warned her even as a kid. But she wouldn't listen and I had to hear from Mike how she's having wild parties with Callie in the home where there is drug use and...

"That is not true!" I yell now standing up. "That is a lie! I would never do that! I work my ass off for my daughter! I don't party nor do I do drugs!"

"Settle down Ms. Foster!" The judge yells.

"But she's lying. I would...

"I would think as an officer of the law that you would know the rules of the court system. You will have your chance to speak but not if you continue with these outburst in my court room! Now sit!" Letting out a heavy sit I take a seat and look over across at Mike who is shaking his head laughing. Shit I'd give anything to knock his ass out and I could do it with one shot.

"Please continue Mrs. Cooper."

"Well as I was saying Stefanie is not capable. Plus with her history of alcoholism and she was very violent toward my son in law in front of Callie. Many, many times."

"Yeah! Did Mike tell you how he slammed me against the wall! Did he forget that part! Or threw me against the chair!" I yelled.

"Mrs. Foster I told you once already!" The judge screams. " I will hold you in contempt!"

"You're honor I will keep her quiet. I will." Said my lawyer who begged me to sit and be quiet.

"One more outburst and you are done! You are outside and I won't hear your side of events! You're choice!"

"Yes your honor." Right now I had no choice but to shut my mouth as I watched my ex husband spill lie after lie about me. What more could I possibly do but try to bite my tongue?

"She was often drunk when I was at work, and I'd come home to a filthy house, Callie starving half to death, and the heater not even on as she was sleeping and our daughter was crying," Mike embellished as I tried my hardest to not say a thing, my fists clenched tightly in my lap. This fucking asshole. "Still the case now. I've gone over to that apartment place is trashed."

"How much longer do I need to sit here and listen to his bullshit? And to my parents bullshit?" I whisper to my lawyer Todd.

"You will get your chance. Just no more outbursts or she's gonna hold you in contempt. And she will Stef I've seen her do it."

"Yeah I hear ya." I say rolling my eyes and letting out a heavy, burdened sigh for none of this looked good. Not at all .

Unforgotten Love - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now