Adult Bonfire (Part One)

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"Hi, you must be John," Stef opened the front door as the door bell had just rang a few times. Being that she was already inside from the awkward exchange with Lena the blonde took it upon herself to see who it was.  Part of her was hoping it was Tess for she was rather excited to see her friend since it had been almost ten years since the two had laid eyes on each other. But John? MM this was interesting.

"I am! And you are Stef? Lena has told me all about you! Welcome to sunny California!" He held out his hand, as she shook it. The younger man resembled Will to some extent, and she realized that Lena definitely had a type. Most certainly, infact if she really thought about it both John and Will looked similar to her own brothers. So what did that say about her?

"I've been here before, but my little girl and girlfriend haven't," she laughed awkwardly as she motioned toward the back. "C'mon, everyone's out back, and Lena should be out soon."

"Thanks. Hey, Stef?"

"Yes?" She turned to look at the younger man whom she wondered how much younger he actually was. Lena liked younger men? MM. She never would have thought.

"I heard you are a cop, and well, I'm unsure how much leverage you'd have here. But it seems as if the police department is kinda fluffing this hate crime off in a sense, it'll go on the back burner."

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

"Lena told me the detectives who came in wrote a bunch of notes as they interrogated them and kind of said there's nothing they can do. No proof, etc."

Stef frowned as they joined the others as this didn't set well with her at all. Not at all! "Ya? We'll see about that. This kind of thing has happened in New York City, and it's not true that they can't figure out who did this. They definitely can, and I'm wondering if they need reminded of their job! Maybe I need to remind them or do the investigating my damn self!"

"Hey, John!" Lena walked up beside them, and John's eyes lit up. He really was attracted to her and liked her so much and was grateful she was finally letting him meet her friends. Meeting her kids he hoped would be the next step even if he knew it might take an additional few months

"Hey, babe," he leaned in and kissed her lips as she kissed him back before wrapping her arms around him. Looking into his eyes she smiled almost forgetting her former lover was right there. Stef herself tried not to stare  but she couldn't help it and found the couple rather interesting. Something was off in her mind, and Lena seemed even more awkward. It wasn't the same kind of thing she saw with her and Will many years ago where she knew Lena was truly in love with him, or what she saw when they were together. If that's what you would call it. But this? This seemed forced. But who was she to judge because many people might think the same of her and Luisa?

"I see you've already met Stef. This is Luisa, her girlfriend." She motioned to the Latina woman who has been patiently waiting for her girlfriend to return.

"Nice to meet you," Luisa smiled as she stood and shook his hand.

"You too!"

"And these are my best friends, Julius and Ryan."

"Nice to meet you both! I've heard so much about all of you, but this one here insisted I wait to meet you," John smiled as he shook the guys' hands.

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