What to Do

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"What do you think will happen to Cinnamon?" Dana asked as the friends all gathered in the sitting room of the huge suite. The kids had gone to bed, and Lena was awake and had joined everyone.

"What do you mean?" Stef lit another cigarette as Tess, Julius and Ryan lounged on the sofa. Lena was curled up in a chair, blanket around her small frame as she listened.

"Well, the child needs a home! She needs proper guidance and a firm hand! We can't just allow her to go back to the street!" Dana exclaimed as Stuart nodded his agreement.

"She's an adult, Mom," Lena chimed in softly.

"I know that, Lena, but she was very close to Will, and..."

"I'm unsure she asked for our help," Lena snapped as everyone looked her way. "I mean, I get it, okay! I get she looked up to Will and he was there for her. The pain of his abandonment was clear in her voice as Tess moved to sit on the arm of the chair wrapping her arm around Lena to comfort her.

"We know. I think what your mom is trying to say is that maybe Will would have wanted us to pick up the slack?" Tess straightened up on the chair's arm but she kept her hand on Lena's shoulder. "He did tell Cinnamon to trust Stef."

Lena tried to even her breathing as she tried not to burst into tears again. If she was honest, she was tired of crying, for it exhausted her and made her wish to sleep her life away, something she knew couldn't happen. "Then Stef should take her in with her," she suggested.

"Woahhh, slow down," Stef laughed softly but soon continued, "I'm flattered, but I don't know about that. I mean...ummm..."

"Why not?" Lena stared at the blonde who seemed flustered, and Dana intervened.

"You would be a likely candidate, honey, but we get if you can't with your hectic schedule and raising your little girl. She could come stay with me and Stuart."

"Really, Mom? You and Daddy?" Lena sat up in the chair as she looked incredulously at her parents.

"Why not? She seems sturdy enough! Could learn the family business!" Stuart beamed.

"Why don't we just ask Cinnamon what she wants to do?" Julius finally interrupted the conversation.

"Because, darling, the whole conversation is to keep that girl off the streets! You saw what happened to poor Will as he tried to protect her!" Lena's mother was beside herself with worry for the girl as Julius nodded his agreement.

"Yes. But we give her these options and ask her to pick one," he smiled.

"Except I can't take anyone in at the moment," Stef reminded him as she gave him a look and he backed down.

"I just think something needs to be decided before we leave tomorrow. We can't abandon her," Dana looked dejected, and Stef finally stood.

"Well, if she wishes to stay with me, there will be rules, and it'll be temporary. That's a big IF. I need to head on home." She put out her cigarette as the friends all stood to give her their rounds of hugs and promised to see her for lunch the next day before they left.



After I leave the hotel my head is nearly spinning out of control as I head back up to Washington Heights to my apartment. Staying true to my word I let Callie sleep over for she was so excited to be with her cousins and with Julius, and Lena.  Of course Tess and the gang begged me to stay was well but I chose not to saying I had stuff to do at home and catch up on. Truth was I wanted to give Lena her space I guess and if I was honest it was difficult seeing her. The last time we saw each other months ago in California was harsh and ended our relationship. If  I was honest I had never been so angry with someone in my life, and when I found out she called Mike that only added to it. But with Will passing it seemed my anger dissipated and allowed me to possibly see clearer in some ways. Whatever it was I knew life was difficult for her right now and for her babies which she had all my sympathy for.

As I headed into my apartment at nearly 11PM  I couldn't help but look at the little gift I had gotten Luisa that was sitting on my kitchen table. Callie of course was wondering why she had not come tonight when we went to get hot chocolate and see the tree at Rockefeller Center but I didn't have the heart to tell her.  I really didn't for everything was hard enough on that little girl right now since moving in with Mike and I didn't want to add another thing to it. Not that she knew Luisa and were together but I simply told her she was spending time with her own family. Thankfully she accepted it but the truth was my heart was breaking since we started this break and since loosing my daughter and many nights I had definitely walked by the diner  on my way home seeing her inside. Whether she saw me or not I didn't know but all I wanted to do was kiss her, make love to her, take her out and hear her laugh. But we couldn't and this break was fucking killing me, not to mention the fact I wanted to know more about her son and if and when she would ever feel safe enough to bring him here. Regardless this was what we needed to do for getting Callie back was the most important thing to me in this life for not having my baby with me was the hardest thing I ever had to deal with.

Lighting a smoke as I put my feet up in the chair it was true I missed Luisa more then words and it was almost as if we disappeared from each others lives already. Even if it had been such a short amount of time I couldn't help but feel this way.

"Fuck it." I say to myself as I throw my coat on and head down to diner. Fuck Mike for I knew he has his own shit that I'd use against him in court as well. Quickly making my way to the diner it was a rather cold night as I walk inside and take my usual seat. Seeing that it is rather empty Luisa has her back to me as I can see her writing on her note pad.

"Be with you in one second." She says not making eye contact as I wonder if I should speak or just wait for her to turn around.

"Sure love." I say as she now turns around smiling and realizing it is me."Before you say anything I just wanted to give you your Christmas present. I got it before everything happened. I just.. I just really wanted to give it to you."

Walking over to me she places her notepad down with the smile remaining.

"You didn't need to get me anything."

"Yeah well I wanted to Lu, and well I miss you baby. I really do."

"Yo también te extraño. I miss you too."

"Open it." I say lighting a smoke as the smile returns on her face but I can tell she is rather off. She is more off then ever as she opens the box revealing the giant hoop earrings I got her. "Do you like them?"

"Si.  Ellos son agradables. Gracias." She says with her eyes no longer looking into mine as I reach for her hand holding it.

"Lu, que pasa? What's wrong mi amour?"

"Nada. These are beautiful. Yours is at my home. My gift to you."

"That's ok babe. But what else is it? Come on? Háblame cariño. I know it's been awhile but talk to me love."

"I was going to call you."

"Ok about?" I ask now growing worried. "What's the matter baby? You're worrying me. You sick or something? What's wrong?"

"Stef, I decided to go to DR to see Jesus."

"Yeah? Well that's good honey. That's really good. When do you leave?"

"After New Years."

"Yeah? Aww love I know you must be damm excited to see your little boy.  And I know he will be excited to see you. You will have to tell me all about it when you come back love." I say smiling as once again her eyes fall to the earrings.

"Stef, I don't know if I'm coming back."

With that my heart sank once again as I was completely lost for words for was it possible two women I loved left me?

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