Across the Country

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Life has a funny way of punching us in the gut, making the world spin around us, sucking the air out of our lungs and releasing all of the emotions when death is on the scene. Sometimes, we can expect a death of a close family member, friend or acquaintance, but it's uncertain which is worse: waiting while knowing they will take their last breath? or waking up to find out they are gone. It's crazy how one minute, we can be laughing, enjoying life and swapping stories, and the next, we are looking down at the other's lifeless form.

This and more punched Stef Foster in the gut as she followed a hysterical Cinnamon to the nearby morgue. Opening that door last night and hearing the news was the very last thing on the blonde's mind, and after calling off work and not being able to sleep much with tossing and turning, she had woke up Cinnamon, knowing that she could just go on down and see for herself.

"I tried, Stef! I tried to stop him, but he was adamant that that man treat...treat me with respect! I can protect myself! I can, but he didn't let me! Why didn't he listen?" Cinnamon was crying all over again as we had stopped at a bodega for a couple of hot coffees.

I swallow back the tears as I tried to remain strong for her. "He wouldn't allow you to be attacked like that, Cinnamon. He just wouldn't. And you could have begged all you wanted. But why the shelter? I thought Will hated shelters?"

The young girl wiped her tears with her half gloved hand. "He said...he said that what you told him was sinking in...that...that he needed to find a way back to society, and that we'd try to find jobs in the morning. I wish he had listened to me!"

The cop handed the hot coffee to Cinnamon as the pair began to walk down the uneven sidewalk. "So, what happened exactly? Tell me everything." She knew that Cinnamon wouldn't be able to tell her the night before as she had shown up crying hysterically and incoherently had managed to tell Stef that Will was dead.

"That guy followed me to my bunk, and I knew he did. I had a knife in my sleeve and I was ready for him. Will told him to back off, and he mouthed off to him. I told Will it was okay...that I was okay, and that snarly man grabbed me and asked Will if he thought he was tough then. I managed to break free and ran outside towards the alley, and the man followed me. Of course, Will came too..." her voice broke off, and Stef knew that it was very hard for the young girl to tell the story.

"It's okay, Cinnamon. You can finish telling me later," Stef stopped and placed her hand on the girl's arm, but she shook her head.

"No. It's okay..." she stopped and looked the blonde in the eyes. "Will and that man got into a fight, and I told Will to stop...that we'd just stay on the street again. We didn't want any trouble. I threw that man all the money I had in my bag, and Will said he didn't deserve it...said that any man who would mess with a woman was foul. But we didn't know he had a knife, was too late...and there was blood everywhere...and I was screaming...and the guy just took off..."

"How did find where I live, Cinnamon?" The cop watched the young girl who was wiping her eyes profusely.

She shrugged as she scuffed her foot on the ground. "Will...he told me where you lived in case something ever happened. Said to trust you always."

Stef looked Cinnamon in the eyes, tears now running down her own face as her stomach turned as she just couldn't take it...not at all. It was almost more than she could bare, and somehow, some way, she knew that she would need to call Lena as she was the only person who was left of his family even if he was her ex...Lena, Frankie and Corey.



I am able to finally nail down a routine that works best for me and my kids, and everything seems to be going smoothly until a couple of days before Christmas when Julius ends up beating on my front door almost knocking it down.

"I thought maybe Santa was early and had gotten lost!" I laugh as I invite him inside the warmth as I had been baking Christmas cookies with Frankie and Corey.

"Santa! There's no Santa yet!" Julius is pacing my kitchen, and I notice something is way off.

"Soon! We're making his cookies!" Corey exclaims as he is standing on a stool, flour all over his little face and shirt. "Want one?"

"No, Corey! They aren't for Julius!" Frankie slaps it out of his hand as my back is turned while checking the cookies in the oven.

"Stop that, Francesca Marie!" I hear Julius snap making me turn around and give my daughter a glare.

"Frankie, take your brother and go wash up. Put your pj's on, and I'll be in soon." They run off as I look at Julius who is not really being his normal self. "What's up, Jules? You look like you've seen a ghost!"

"No!" He practically screeches then tries to backtrack. "No ghosts in Cali this time of year!"

I frown as I pull out some decaf coffee. "Coffee?"

"No, it's okay. Just wanted to see my Queen Mocha!" He sounds way too cheerful as if he's overcompensating, and I place both hands on the little island counter.

"Okay, that's enough. What the hell is going on, Julius Romeros Antonio Garcia?!?!?!"

He gets up and walks over the my wall where my phone is just as it rings. "I got this!"

I sigh as I toss the dish rag in the sink as annoyed as ever. I didn't have time for games, and what was a peaceful night has turned into a night full of negative energy as Julius was way off, more than he's ever been with me.

"Hello? Adams' residence? Oh, hi! Yes! Hold on!" He doesn't look at me as he holds the phone out, and I sigh again because any minute, I may shout even louder at the man.

"What?" I snap as he slowly looks at me.

"It's for you, sweetie."

"Who is it?" I grab the phone with much annoyance.

"Just answer it."

"Hello?" I try to even out my voice to hide how irritated I am.

"Hi...hi, Lena?" I can feel my face go white as I hear a familiar voice on the other end. Shit. She's calling to holler at me for calling Mike!

"S..Stef???" I manage to say as I glance at Julius hoping this was not another attempt to get us back together. But I doubted it for Stef would never call me so I knew something must be wrong. Callie?

"Hey um, I'm sorry to bother you like this." She says as her voice sounds very strange.

"No you aren't. Is, is everything ok? Callie ok?"

"Yeah um Callie is fine. Listen, Lena I..This is not the kind of thing I want to say over the phone. I don't even know how to."

"What's wrong?" I ask growing very worried. "You, you can just stay it." I say hearing silence on the other end as I glance to Julius again who is staring straight at me. "Stef you still there?"

"Lena, Will is dead."

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