NYC Living

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"Cals lets shake a leg kid. Time is ticking babygirl!" I yell to my nine year old daughter from the kitchen who was always rather slow getting ready in the morning. I myself was already up and ready for work being that I was still new to this job. Therefore I made sure to be early because I didn't want any slack from anyone. Especially from Mike, whom I was now separated from, or his male chauvinist friends. I swore their goal in life and his was to just be a complete dick and considering I was one of the few female officers downtown it didn't make it any easier. However, being a cop for the NYPD was a job I fought hard to get and one I planned on keeping. No matter what how much of a joke Mike continued to think it was.

Pouring coffee into my thermos I look at my clock radio on the stove as the Bee Gees blasts from the speakers. Music was still one of my favorite past times as well as singing which nowadays only Callie heard. She seemed to love it as many nights we sat listening to old records. Records that Lena...Shaking that thought out of my mind along with her name I looked out the window seeing the crowded streets of Washington Heights. It was true when they said New York City was the city that never sleeps because it never ever did. Something was always going on, which kept me busy at work, and there was no shortages of surprises. That's for damm sure. But moving here almost ten years ago was not my choice by any means for when Mike returned from the war in 1969 and I became pregnant only a few weeks later with Callie he wanted to leave the army. I understood the war had done him in and he wanted a change. A change I went along with only to escape that base or any memory of what it held.

"My love. We need to go! Mama does not want to be late honey bear. No can do."

"Coming!" She says running into the room smiling and hugging me like she did every morning. I really had lucked out for this kid never gave me one problem. Ever and even if she was the spitting image of her father I could only thank my lucky stars that she was NOTHING like him. "Sorry I couldn't decide which shirt to wear. I decide on the rainbow one."

"Well the one you picked is very nice. Very cute sweets." I wink as she hands me a piece of paper like she did every morning.

"Thanks. I made this for you. For work mama."

Smiling at her I open the little note seeing a drawing of the two of us. It was Callie's way of encouraging me everyday even if I thought I was hiding my fear. Clearly I was not and she was rather perceptive of all my emotions. That alone was embarrassing and so were the constant panic attacks I had during the last few years. Ones she had seen that only progressed the longer I stayed in that marriage. It was not something I was proud of but they had decreased once I packed us up and left Mike.

The story of Mike and I and what happened between us during the last ten years was not a pretty one. Well the last ten years weren't very pretty to begin with besides the birth of Callie. Once Mike did return from Vietnam he was even worse then ever and the changes I had made during his absence did not sit well with him.

We fought daily, especially the more outspoken I had become for I no longer wanted to be a housewife to him, I no longer wanted to be his slave, I no longer wanted to live by his stupid rules, dress how he wanted me to dress, or lay beneath him as he stuck his dick in me each time for nearly half a second. I didn't want any of that anymore. Nothing. I had changed dramatically, so much to the point he hit me across the face more then once. I couldn't let my daughter see that, I couldn't deal with that or his verbal abuse so I left. But I left only a year ago, applied to the NYPD and was living in a shitty one bedroom apartment the size of a closet with my daughter. But it was ours and I wasn't under the eyes balls or hell of Mike anymore. Well at least not at home.

"You know in case you get scared today. Or start to worry mama. Like before."

"Come here honey." Gently grabbing her hand I pull her onto my lap as I smile into her deep brown eyes that were so wide and curious. My sadness or the reasoning behind it was not something I could tell my daughter. Because she was a kid, and I wanted her to remain just that and not feel she needs to take care of me. Ever. "Mama is ok. Sometimes adults or kids get sad for a little bit and then they are ok. One thing is certain is you make me happy, you make me smile and you make my day better. Everyday. Ok? Don't you worry about me, you do not have to take care of me my love. I take care of you. Understood?"

"Maybe." She grinned as I couldn't help but laugh and tuck her long hair behind her ear.

"Well lets try to turn that into a yes. Ok baby?" I winked again as she played with my short blonde hair that I refused to grow back.


"Alright. You have all your stuff packed. Qiana and Mariana will be waiting for you."

"I have everything. Do you?"

"That I do. And um you're ok with spending the night with daddy this weekend right? It will be fun. You and him always have fun."

"I guess. But I feel bad." She frowned.

"What do you feel bad about honey?"

"Ya'll be alone."

"Sweetheart we talked about this. Mama is fine. I'm gonna hang out, read, probably fall asleep. Besides you and daddy are going to the movies and the arcade in Penn Station. How many of those tickets do you have? You can almost win that game you want."

"MM this is true." She grinned devilishly as I smiled.

"Alright now no feeling guilty!"

As we both headed out our tiny and rather shitty apartment Callie gave me a giant kiss and hug goodbye as thankfully Qiana and Mariana's mother let her walk to school with them so I could be to work on time. It really wasn't the greatest school or area but it would do for now while the money I was making would accumulate.

It was certain that I'd miss Callie this weekend but it was important she spent time with her dad. Even if he treated me like shit Mike was actually a good father to her and I appreciated that. The other plus was Julius and Ryan were visiting this weekend and I couldn't wait to see them.  Shit I had so much to tell him and couldn't wait for he had remained my best friend and he had kept me sane all these years.  Callie loved him too but I decided to keep his visit a surprise. Needless to say I had my outfit picked out for dinner tomorrow and knew it would be just like old times. But I had no idea how much.

Unforgotten Love - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now