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"Stef hurry up we gotta go." Mike yells as I'm in the kitchen packing the rest of our dishes. In less then an hour we would be heading to New York and moving away for good as I watched him pack up the rest of the boxes in the car. Feeling the growing baby inside me that I was so unsure about I gently rubbed my stomach. The last few months had been the worst of my entire life as I looked out our kitchen window into Lena's backyard. Right now it was so hard to believe she was gone and at times the most painful thing I could ever experience. Not once had I heard from her and with us moving I had no idea if I would ever hear from her again much less see her. My heart was truly broken for my soul mate, the love of my life and my world was gone. What was I going to do? I had no idea for since getting pregnant I wasn't going to leave Mike, not right away anyway.

During the last few months I had cried endless tears over her while Julius just sat with me sometimes all night. There was nothing he could say, nothing I could say and one of my only distractions was heading out to Marty and Gary's to check on Tess. Thankfully she was doing well and had no plans on ever returning to Jerry which I was grateful for as I still continued to keep in contact with her making sure she was ok and going to her prenatal visit.

Sadly despite how excited Mike was I was not about this baby. What the hell kind of home was I bringing this child into? How was I going to survive being with him as he continued his verbal abuse. I had changed so much and would continue to no matter how much he hated it and I knew one day I'd leave him for good.

"Stef we gotta go. Now. No time for lingering." He says grabbing the last box . "We will make this work. New York will be a great change for us."

"Yeah I know."

"Good. And we have plenty of time to talk about it on the way. So lets go." Grabbing the box and heading outside I looked to my famous back door that had basically become a revolving door for my friends. That alone made me even more sad for it was the last place Lena and I spoke before she left and I failed to tell her I loved her back. I did love her, I always would love her and nothing would ever change that. All I could hope was time would heal my broken heart or that I'd at least hear from her. Maybe?


Laying in the bed with my arm wrapped around my girlfriend the fight Lena and I had tonight was just awful. Hell I didn't want that to happen, never and it was so hard to believe I could be that angry, that pissed off and that furious. But I was. I really was for who did she think she was coming back in my life and trying to kiss me like that. Did she think she could just do that? That I'd accept it and erase everything I had been feeling. No! No I would not and I had moved on and had a life. A life that had been so hard to achieve but I had and I was happy.

But if I was so happy, why on earth could I not stop thinking about her. Why? Was it just residual. Was it me trying to let her back in based on the good memories I had of her. What in the fuck was it? Whatever it was it was breaking my damm heart all over again.


"Stef! You got me all wet! My hair!!" Lena laughs and giggles as I run after her with the water hose and sprinkler. Being at Gary and Marty's allowed us so much freedom and fun to be who we were that neither of us wanted to leave. Ever.

"Ahh! Your hair is beautiful baby! Get over here!"

"No!! It's cold!" She laughs again running from me as I put the hose down and grab her.

"Get your cute butt over here you." Smiling at her she returns it happily wrapping her arms around my neck as I lean in and kiss her.

"No kissing!" She teases as I laugh hysterically.

"Oh no?"


"Mmm love making? How about that with some dinner, a few drinks. MM? We can have a little picnic."

"I'd like that. And Stef?"

"Yes my love."

"I love you so much."

" I love you too Lena. Forever my baby." Leaning in I kissed her deep as I layed her down on the grass sliding my tongue down her throat.

*Flashback ends*

"Estás bien, bebé? Que pasa? Eres tranquillo." I hear Luisa ask as I suddenly snap back into reality while holding her naked body close in my arms. I look at her and smile as she continues."You seem far away baby."

"Estoy bien, mí amor. I'm good my love."

"Mm you don't seem ok. You can talk to me you know. It doesn't always have to be me telling you things. I want to know about you too. Who is this Lena? Because when I question you, you just say no one. Por qué no me dices?"

"She was just a friend baby. Not a girlfriend." I somewhat lie as my eyes fail to look at her. Moving even closer to me she cups my cheek with her soft manicured hand looking into my eyes.

"Ella era tu novia? MM? No estoy loco. I'm not mad if she was your girlfriend but do you like her? Huh?¿Quieres estar con ella?

"No baby. No I do not want to be with her." I say looking deeply into her worried eyes."And I have no feelings for her. I want to be with you. You make me happy baby, happier then I have been in a very long time. You make me laugh and you make me feel damm good. Do you know how miserable I was before you? MM? Very and since being with you, well, you do things to me no one has." I laugh as she flashes her beautiful smile at me. "Tonight was not a date with her. It was not baby and I should have taken you to that museum instead of her. I apologize. Lo siento Lu."

"Perdonado, but you came back crying. That does not sit well with me and where I'm from that shit doesn't fly. I will hurt her Stefanie."

"Baby love you don't need to. I wasn't upset about her I told you. Sometimes it's just Mike getting to me. It is and I have my moments."

"No mientas." Gently moving my chin up she says this rather sternly and I knew how Luisa was. She was persistent and extremely protective which I understood and I just didn't know how to tell her. "Don't lie baby. Don't."

"Love my past is complicated it just is."

"So. Mine is too you know that and it qwon't change how I feel about you. Spill. We have all night. Talk to me so we can make love." She leans in kissing me softly as I feel her tongue slide in my mouth and I roll mine around hers. "MM what really happened and how can I heal your heart more? MM?" Feeling her tongue slide down my body I could only moan as I run my fingers through her long straight hair. Shit she was making it hard as hell for me to think as she opened my legs and all my thoughts were gone as I felt her tongue slide up and down on my clit. It was truthful Luisa was the death of me as I pushed her head in deeper  between my legs. "Don't worry about her baby let me make my woman feel good."

And she did as that fight, and kiss Lena initiated became a distant memory. At least for now.

Unforgotten Love - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now