Keep it to Yourself

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"I'm beyond angry! You have no idea! Why the hell did she think calling him would help me? Huh? Why?!" I light a cigarette as my nerves are frazzled after getting into yet another heated argument with Mike, this time over Lena's phone call after our first custody hearing. A hearing that did not work well in my favor.

"I hear you, Stef, but I don't feel she meant any harm. I mean, she..."

"What did she think would happen? I want to know how this scenario played out in her damn thick head?"

"Stef, I get why you're angry. I do. And you have every right to be, but let's not forget I'm Switzerland, here," Tess tries to remain calm, I can tell and it annoys me even more. She should be just as mad as me, even though I know it's unfair of me to think so.

"That's not the damn point, Tess! It's just not! Calling Mike? My god! I just...I just can't with her! I told her to stay out of my damn life! I told her to lose my number! I told her to just leave me alone! Do you want to know what Mike said? Do you?" I practically holler into the receiver.

"Of course, Stef!"

"He said my tramp of a girlfriend called causing ruckus! That's what!"

Tess is silent for what feels like hours but in reality is only a few seconds before she replies, "You know that's not true, Stef..."

"Ya? Well, we weren't there, were we?!"

"No, but you know Mike. And if I had known Lena would do this, I'd have tried to stop her. He hates her with a passion, and there's nothing..."

"I'm done with her ass! Finished! And you can tell her I said to fuck off!" I shout, cutting her off. I am so angry at the world, and right now I just am not thinking straight as my head continues to pound and I pour myself a tumbler of tequila.

"Listen, Stef. You might want to just relax, okay? Honestly, there's nothing you can do in regards to Lena or Mike or any of this but to remain calm and get some rest. You sleeping okay?" Tess tries to console me.

"Honestly?" I run my fingers through my hair as I puff my cigarette. "Not really. Callie has been staying the night with Mariana and her grandmother because I've been picking up so many god damn shifts it's not even funny."

"Don't you think you should be spending as much time with Callie as possible? I can't see how this is helping..."

"Are you here to judge me or be my friend?" I snap.

"Okay, Stef. I get it. You're trying. And I'll be on the next plane out there. I just need to see if Jerry can come here and take Stefanie to school and dance."

"Don't bother, Tess," I sigh as I feel my chest tighten. "Mike doesn't like you, either." I say now feeling bad. "Baby, listen...I'm sorry, Tess. I don't mean to take any of this out on you. I don't."

"I know you don't. Court was hard, huh?"

"Understatement, honey. I'm just scared. I'm scared I'm gonna lose my baby, Tess. I'm scared he's going to get full custody, and I won't see her."

"I know you are, Stef, and we all are going to help anyway we can. We love you. All of us."

"Thanks, babe. I love you, all, too."


A week went by as the custody battle continued, and each day was more ruthless than the last. The divorce was just about finalized, but that didn't really matter to Stef. What mattered was her little girl and her desire to give her the world but failing in her attempts to do so.

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