Destroyed Emotions

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Everything was so surreal right now that I didn't know which way was up. It was almost like my life did a complete 180 and I was lost at sea without a fucking map or paddle. Aside from continuing to fight my dick of an ex husband for custody and being on a break with Luisa, Will unexpectedly died and the entire gang was in New York. It was almost as if we all got punched in the gut, for seeing Lena, alone, was strange enough. Right now none of our past mattered for I knew she was torn and shattered in a million pieces. We both were for different reasons and I wasn't sure how the next few days would go. No one did, but I knew based on our exchange at the airport that it would be ok. Will's death was difficult and I was still processing it myself. He was a good guy, and I knew he was trying to get himself back together. That much I knew and I could tell by the look on his face the last time I saw him. That's what made this even worse, that he was trying and thinking of a way to return to his family.

Shaking my head at the thought I lit a cigarette and rang Mike's bell. Thankfully it was my time with Callie and I was excited to have her over Christmas break into New Years. I also knew she was be excited to see her cousins, especially Stefanie. Maybe that was one positive thing out of all of this considering she was having a really hard time. The custody fight broke both of us in half and I was trying so hard not to fall apart because of it. I really couldn't and needed to show my little girl I was strong and planned on getting her back. But most days were difficult for losing both her, Luisa and Will all at the same time was enough to break my soul.

"Here for Callie." I say to him as he opens his apartment door annoyed looking me over as usual. God I hated his fucking ass and the fact he did this just out of spite really made me want to knock his ass out. He saw how hurt Callie was, and he saw how she cried the day I dropped her off to move in with him. He saw it all and his solution was that she would get over it. Clearly he didn't give a rats ass as I was making more headway in getting her back. More then he realized and I was determined to fight my hardest. If I needed to get ugly so be it for he surly pulled some low blows.

"Yeah I see that. Heard about Will."

"Ok and?" I say puffing away and glaring at him for Mike never mentioned him before. Ever.

"Sorry for how the poor guy died. Guess his little wife and your girlfriend are in town. Better keep Callie away from all of them. I'm not playing, Stef." He threatens as I move closer to him.

"News flash, ass wipe, Lena is not my girlfriend and have a little fucking compassion. I mean I know your balls shrunk and all and your ego is shot but you don't tell me what I can and can't do with Callie. She's my damm daughter too."

"Man, you think you would be nicer considering you lost custody and are trying and failing at getting her back. I'm the sole parent and I say what goes. Keep that trash and your faggot gang away from my kid. Or y'all really never see her again. And don't flatter yourself. I can do far better then you and I am." He laughs.

"Unlike you I don't give a fuck who you FUCK. But you try to keep Callie from me and..."

"Mama!!!!" I hear seeing Callie nearly knocking me to the ground as she runs over to me and I happily pick her up.

"My girl!!! Hey there, baby!"

"Mama, I miss you so so much!!" She says wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing my cheeks a million times.

"I miss you too baby love. Come lets go get some cocoa and see the tree!"

"Yeah! Can Luisa come too!?" She asks as I feel Mike's eyes on me and my heart sinks, for I miss that woman more then life.


"I'm so happy I get to spend more time with you, Stefanie! I've missed you since Christmas Day!" Callie hugged her best friend tightly.

"Me too! When Mama told me you were coming to stay the night, I couldn't hardly stand it! Come on! Let's go see if Frankie wants to watch Mork and Mindy with us!" Stefanie grabbed Callie's hand and half dragged her to the adjoining sitting room where Frankie was lounging on the couch clasping her bear to her chest as she watched Corey play with his trucks quietly.

"Hey, Franks! How are you?" Callie smiled as she sat beside the young girl.

Frankie scooted to the end of the couch and just stared at Callie, unsure what to think. She hadn't really spoken to her on Christmas Day but had stayed close to her grandmother. "Hi."

"Can I sit here, cuz?" Callie smiled as she gently sat next to Frankie and Stefanie sat on the other side of her. Frankie just shrugged as she clutched Mr. Bear even tighter. "I noticed that your hair is really pretty, Frankie. Is it curlier?"

Frankie kept looking straight ahead as Stefanie grabbed her hand and pulled the blanket from the back of the couch placing it over all three girls. "Wanna watch Mork and Mindy with us?"

The younger girl nodded as Callie looked at Stefanie and shrugged. "Listen, Frankie, I know it's a hard time right now, but you have me and Stefanie as your sisters. Always, okay? I'm sorry you lost your daddy."

Frankie looked at Callie and reached out to touch her long brown hair. "How do you get your hair so straight?"

"Oh. It's just like that I guess."

"Oh. You dont use that stuff my mama uses?"

"No she has different hair then us, Franks." Stefanie smiled as the young girl looked rather confused but clung to her bear.

"You don't have to be nice to me because my dad died. I know you don't like me because I was mean to your mama and called her Ice Queen." It was known Frankie was a straight shooter as Callie glanced to Stefanie and back at the little girl who focused on the TV.

"Well I'm not being nice to you because of that. I forgive you for calling my mom that."

"Oh? Really? I didn't really mean it. She just kind of scares me. Is she mean to you?"

"No." Callie laughed. "Only if I don't listen. Sometimes she lets me ride in her patrol care with the sirens on."

"Wow! Really! That's so cool!" Frankie said now sitting up and looking at Callie wide eyed. "I want to do that!"

"Sure. I'll ask her. We all can."

While the kids watched their favorite show, the adults were chatting quietly except Lena who was in the other room taking a nap for this entire thing had exhausted her. Sitting at the little table Stef lit a cigarette along with Tess who sat beside her drinking beers.

"I'm sooo glad you're hear mama!!." Julius claps pulling up a chair besides Stef as she glanced at him smiling. "I mean I'm glad we are all here but I wish it was for other reasons."

"Yeah me too." The blonde sighed.

"Before we get into other things you never told us how the hearing went? I assume you won?" Julius inquired as the blonde took another puff avoiding her friends' eyes. Tess instantly picked up on it and grabbed the womans hand.


"Yeah, no, I didn't win. Mike got full custody."

"What the bloody hell! That is bull crap! Let me guess, based off of liesssss! Jesus, does that man sit on a throne of lies?"

"Yeah, both he and my parents."

"Wait! Hold on a hot buttered minute!" Julius threw up both hands.

Tears sprang to Stef's eyes, but she blinked them away just as fast. "It is what it is for now. I'll get her back. You mark my word," she tipped back a beer as Tess moved to give her a hug. They dropped the subject just as fast as it came up, trying not to talk so much about it that Lena would overhear and be even more emotional. All three, friends, knew that Mike was a piece of shit, and dwelling on it would make Stef feel even worse. "So who wants to play gin rummy?"

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