The Next Morning

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"Tess, I made a fool of myself last night. I can't face anyone! How am I supposed to look at anyone in the face? How?" I say to my best friend as I had just woken up with a massive headache and sore throat. Not to mention extreme panic as more and more about what I said last night came back to me. "And John? He...Jesus. He is never going to want to talk to me ever again. Why am I such a mess? Why!? I should know not to go near pot. I should know this. I'm a grown woman and behaved like a child, Tess. I..."

Taking a seat on the giant velvet chair I pull my curly hair up on top of my head as it was just as much of a disaster as last night. Why did that have to happen? Why did I eat all those brownies? Why did I say what I did and embarrass myself once again ?Why did Stef seem to bring this out in me? Why?  Those damm brownies, crap! Was it really to deal with Stef being here and shoving her relationship in my face? Was it? But no I was happy for her. I was. Or was I? I had John. I didn't love her. But why did I say I did?

"Lena, listen things happen. You had a breakdown honey and it happens to the best of us." Tess kneels down and grabs my hands. " It just does and you kept everything inside for years. That's not easy."

"I don't love Stef. I was high and I said stuff I didn't mean. I don't love her and I'm trying to be with John. He's nice. It's been a decade, Tess. I'm over it. I really am."

"Lena, I'm going to be honest with you because I'm your friend. I think you do love Stef still and she loves you."

"What? No. She loves Luisa. It's clear, it's evident. She looks at her like, like she use to look at me. I'm happy for her."

"Lena, Stef loves her differently. But it doesn't mean she's not still in love with you. Sometimes people bury things. You know how Stef is. We all do. Maybe at one point when we first met her she was very timid and shy and reserved. I think part of her still is. And I think part of her hides."

"She's different now and I don't know this Stef and I messed up. Again. Tess, it's not easy to admit ok? But I'm jealous. I'm trying so hard no to be. But I am. Why does it seem I'm the only one who feels this way or why am I the only messy one? Why can't  we  just be friends? I wanted us to be and I thought we were but it's, it's too complicated. And like I said shes moved on, Tess. We all know this."

"Lena, says who? Who says she really moved on? I think both of you need to talk."

"We talked in New York. And it was fine and I was looking forward to her coming until she showed up with her! Why did she have to bring that woman?" Frustrated I get up and pace around the room. "And why do I care? She clearly doesn't."

"Don't assume she doesn't care, Lena. You both need to be honest. Both of you so that you can move on together. And be friends. There were alot of circumstances that made things difficult for your relationship on both ends back at the base ten years ago. And I did my damage to your relationship too. And..."

"Tess, stop. It's ok. I told you I forgive you." I say as she looks rather sad.

"I know if I was in love with Stef and you slept with her I'd be furious. And it would take me a long time to forgive you and I'd question your loyalty. I know you are still angry with me, Lena, and you have every right to be. I slept with the woman you loved and that loved and still loves you. Regardless of what was going on it wasn't right. And Stef and I know that."

Nodding my head at her, I let out a soft smile as she returns it and we both sit beside each other.

"Tess, you are a good friend who made a mistake. I get that. I do and we are all human. And sure, I was angry, but once again, I learned to forgive that and you for it. And I have and do forgive you."

"Yes that goes for you too. You know in the end Stef will listen to you. She has a very big heart and she loves hard and you will always have a place in it. I know right now it may not seem like it and I know it's really, really hard seeing her with someone else."

"I know she didn't know I lived here. I know that. I just don't think I can last all week seeing them together. I can't, Tess. It's, it's too hard."

"That's ok. Then we will figure something out."



"I just want to say I'm sorry honey I'm really no asshole. I'm just not! And I don't get off on seeing you and Lena hurt or fight. Sometimes I laugh as a coping mechanism." Julius says as I sip my coffee and light a cigarette. For the last 30 minutes he had been apologizing like crazy and it was slowly making me insane. "Stef, you have been my best friend for more than ten years. You and Lena and I know sometimes I'm a lot. What can I do? Do you want me to put you up in a hotel? You and Lu and Callie? Are you going to say something? Anything?" He begs as Ryan hands me a plate of eggs with bacon.

"Thanks Ryan."

"Anytime. Does Luisa like eggs?"

"Yes she does and should be out soon." I say continuing to ignore Julius who lets out a sigh.

"Okkkk I get it mama you don't want to talk to me. I get it."

"Right now no. I don't and heard what you said so give me a minute and stop begging. It's driving me up a wall."

"But maybe you forgive me? A tiny bit! Somewhat?"

"If you keep talking to me I won't."

"Ok, ok! Space granted!" Sipping his own coffee Luisa walks in and pours herself a cup. I was grateful we made up last night as I wink at her and she lets out a smile.

"Hola. Buenos días a todos."

"Morning Doll face!!" Julius says Ad Luisia softy kisses my lips and takes a seat beside me. Right now we both know Julius was really pushing it now. Big time.

"Hola Julius."

"Luisa, honey, I was just telling Stef how sorry I am about last night and I..

"It's ok. Es otro dia. It's another day. Let's move on from here Julius. Thing is, I know you don't like me. And that's ok. I know why you don't like because you feel I'm an obstacle and that I'm the reason your friends are not together. Maybe if Stef wasn't my girlfriend you wouldn't mind me. But don't pretend to like me when you call me names behind my back which I clearly hear. And that you continue to do even when Stef has asked you not to.  Julius I will be respectful because I'm a guest in your home and that's what I was taught but I know how you really feel about me. But, I can't and wont change the fact that I love Stef. And I won't apologize for it." Feeling her slide her hand into mine I look at Julius who for once had nothing to say at all. Nothing. "So we can cut the bull Julius. Si?"

"Si. But I am sorry. You flew out here to enjoy yourselves and not for this hot mess."

"Yeah well, we are thinking of leaving early." I say. "Or spending the rest of the time in a hotel. We both realize it wasn't the best idea staying here and it's probably best for everyone Julius."

"No," Ryan interrupts. "Don't do that Stef. We can all make it work somehow. We love having you all here and the kids love it."

"Yeah, I, don't think I can stay here with my girlfriend and Lena. I..

"I can leave with my kids for the week. I can go." We all suddenly hear seeing Lena walking in the kitchen and looking right at us. This should be good as all the anger I was feeling for her was beginning to resurface once again.

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