A Breakdown

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After Julius watched John drive off in his truck, he felt his chest tighten. Had he said too much? Was Stef right when she said he was continuously putting his nose where it didn't belong? He was feeling really shitty right about now, blaming himself for all of this as he went inside to make sure Tess had Lena in his giant claw tub.

Knocking on the door, he spoke through it, "Everything okay, Tess?"

The door opened slightly as she stuck her head out, "Yes, hun. She's soaking in your lavender beads, and I grabbed some ice water. She'll be okay. Just needs time. Don't worry, sweets."

Julius wasn't so sure as his chest only felt tighter. "Okay, Tessy. Take care of our best friend. Love you."

She blew him a kiss before closing the door, and he slowly made his way back towards the backyard but stopped as he heard hollering and in Spanish at that. "Oh, Jesús! Y dios mío!" He ran his fingers over his short hair as he had to take in several deep breaths. Lena was in his bathroom having a meltdown, while Stef and Luisa were in a screaming match.

The Latin man wasn't sure just how much more he could take between the bakery vandalism and his friends constant turmoil every time they were around each other. Why was it like this? Why had it always been such a struggle to boot? Was he hopeful for nothing? All of this and more ran through his head as he fake smiled his way back to the bonfire where everyone stopped talking and looked at him.

"You all are a bunch of nosey heifers!" He joked breaking the ice as everyone laughed.

"What's happening? Spill, bitch!" Marty laughed, and Julius felt a little better now that he was with his family.

"Well, as you all saw, Queen Mocha is out of control! Boo-hoo'ing in the front lawn about how she needs Stef and she's so over these games. The poor girl was having an extreme meltdown, and I felt myself ready to call 911!"

"Really? It was that bad!" Sandra laughed as she lit a cigarette and handed the pack to her girlfriend.

"It was only a matter of time." Gary chimed in.

"Why do you say that?" Ryan took Julius' hand knowing how stressed out he was.

"I talked to her a bit by the fire when I was lighting it. I think this is my fault," Marty sighed as he sat forward looking dejected. Gary reached out rubbed his partner's back. "I told her she should fight for her love, and I think that set her off."

"But it was a matter of time, guys! I've been trying to tell these two they can't hide from real love, and by the way, I didn't know Stef was bringing her side piece! I would've figured something else out for sleeping arrangements! This has gotten bad, guys!" Julius sniffed now as tears came to his eyes.

Ryan squeezed his hand as he sighed, "Listen, I wasn't there to witness this epic love, you all are talking about, but I can tell you, all, this much. Lena is NOT happy with John. And Stef is pretending with Luisa. She says she's in love, but I think she hasn't really dealt with her feelings. And eventually this all would have come to a head one way or another."

"I don't believe that it would have. I think Stef really is over Lena, and Lena just can't come to terms with it," Sandra interjected, and Julius began shaking his head.

"No! No! No! I don't believe it! And I WON'T believe it! I agree with Ryan! Stef has this buried somewhere deep, and she's not dealing with it once and for all! I feel it in my bones!"

The group of friends became silent after a while, just staring at the crackling fire, each deep in their own thoughts, wondering when their best friends would wake up and find their way and truly be at peace and happiness once and for all.

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